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Flying Star & Coco Palms Condominium

Cecil Lee

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1. Majority of the stacks/units in Coco Palms face either Period 8 N3 or S3.
2. While only some of Block's 19 and 33 either faces E3 or W3.
3. In modern times, we now have digital maps and sites like : onemap.sg that uses govern data survey maps to draw an outline of the completed buildings. Another useful site is: streetdirectory.com.
3.1. Here, I have found using both onemap.sg and streetdirectory.com to confirm that both sites have identical orientation of the blocks and compass bearings. (Please see attachment).
4. Once a while, we do get inaccurate North marking on sales brochures of some developments.
For example, when I used a protractor on the sitemap provided by the developer, it varies by 10 degrees and show a different facing direction from Para 3, above.
5. In my opinion, I would prefer to rely on Para 3 - as both onemap.sg and streetdirectory.com have shown the same or exact compass directions particularly the line reference of 290 degrees towards 110 degrees.
6. Thus, if you are trying to plot out the Flying Star chart of a home, it is best not to blindly depend on just the sales brochure! Imagine, a facing of S3 is so different from a NE1 etc...

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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