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Replace carpet floor with wood,change house perid?


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Dear Cecil,
If I replace the entire carpet floor of the house with
wood floor, will it change the peiod of the house? Or
someone needs to tear down a wall or expand certain part
of the house in order to change the house's period?
Thank you for your advice.
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1. Frankly, this is considered as "superficial" and highly unlikely to change to a new period.

2. Take note of the most conservative thoughts:-

2.1 Honestly, some very conservative Feng Shui practitioners today, even do mention that without uprooting the entire home, to them the home is still but belonging to that period.

2.2 Here, the super conservative FS practitioners believe that even major A and A (Alterations and Amendments) may not change as they believe that as long as the foundation is left untouched, to them it is still felt to be under the previous Period.

2.3 To them, a total change of qi is where the whole home inclusive of the foundations NEED to be "uprooted" and e.g. flatten! And ONLY when one start from a-fresh i.e. new piling etc.. then to them it may change the qi.

3. Frankly, in my opinion, I believe more practitioners are not to the extreme thinking as mentioned under Para 2.1 to 2.3.

4.As mentioned in many of previous messages, the general consensus is not so strict and many practitioners dobring inor add an element of symbolism. For example, removing the roof tiles to let in sunlight sayfor 100 days or more. Or where one repairs the entire roof by removing it ... etc...

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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