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Unit with difficult Layout


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Hi Master Cecil,

Sorry, I think I have repeated posting because I was trying to attached a pic but the page didnt load up.

I have seen another unit, the location is good as it is just opp the MRT. However, the layout of their units not too good. It is another one I thought still acceptable.The unit I viewed has the similar layout of this pic I post but different facing.

So my questions are:-

1. Is it ok if the Master Bedrm shares the same wall as the Kitchen. Due to the layout of the Master,the owner place the bed against this wall which shares with the KitchenStove. Isthis bad?

It is hard to place thebed becauseeither it will share with Kitchen wall or the other wall where our legs will point towards the Master bathrm door.

2. There is a missing corner in the South but it is outside of the house. So it is ok? Hubby is under East group and I belongs to West group.

Door faces SE and Living faces NW.

Thank you for your time.

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1. Under Symbolism in Feng Shui, the main concern of the bed-head sharing the same wall as the kitchen is IF the location of the stove is directly opposite one's bed-head position.

2. Thus, there is no major issue so long as the above Para 1 does not happen.

3. If directly behind the bed-head is a preparation table or small breakfast table area or fridge or even washing machine - all no issue at all.

4. Again, there is very few homes (if any) that are totally "perfect". Even those we tend to built from scratch also may have some issues.

5. Therefore, a missing corner at South is not that bad.

6. Flying Star considerations.

6.1. Assuming that such an apartment Flying star is between 1984 to 2003; or Period 7; then;

6.2. For a Period 7, NW facing home; the "unfortunate" thing is that the water wealth #8 current prosperity star is trapped at the centre of the home. If the centre is enclosed by e.g. the toilet or corridor; then in Feng Shui we call such a home "small luck".

6.3 For a Period 7, SE facing, the currrent prosperity star #8 is instead is the Mountain star - centrepoint. Here, this apartment characteristic is also small luck and family related issues.

7. Generally, I have already discussed this before, there are better facing directions. For example: South facing is far more superior to a SE facing direction. Or that in many cases (with exceptions) SW and NE may have better qi (mainly for wealth -- other than to correct health issues for these two facing directions).

P.S. I have increased the number of bytes allowed for posting attachments. However, always try to keep the file size of attachments small.

Anonymous wrote:

1. Is it ok if the Master Bedrm shares the same wall as the Kitchen. Due to the layout of the Master,the owner place the bed against this wall which shares with the KitchenStove. Isthis bad?

It is hard to place thebed becauseeither it will share with Kitchen wall or the other wall where our legs will point towards the Master bathrm door.

2. There is a missing corner in the South but it is outside of the house. So it is ok? Hubby is under East group and I belongs to West group.

Door faces SE and Living faces NW.

Thank you for your time.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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