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What Element would Stereo Equipment be?

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Dear Cheui May,
Yes, I believe there is a controversy amongst some practioners and learners of Feng Shui as to the element type:
1. Derek Walters, in his Feng Shui Handbook believe that electricity is (instead of metal or fire) instead the Water element.
This is because of the flow of electric current which `resembles' the movement of water. Instead of water moving, one can imagine electricity flowing through the wires.
2. Some Western Practioners / students believe strongly that it is of the `fire' element. One can go on arguing `forever' and not applease each other or turning into bad blood.
3. While you have pointed out, some argue that it should instead be metal element.
Currently, this is not a major concern as it is secondary to Feng Shui. Objects which are less than 33.3 percent of the entire location has minimal effects on the surrounding.
4. For example, TV has been with us for so many years and there are no ill effects reported on it. Contrast this with handphones where there are some who mentioned that it can be quite harmful because of the mirowave transmitter and receiver.
5. It is more important to look at the big picture first i.e. is the Shapes and Form of my house good? Are I sleeping in my good sectors.
For those who want to go deeper, can do a Flying Star analysis of the birth chart of the house etc....
Warmest Regards,

On 12/20/99 5:56:05 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Some Fung Shui practitioners
say it's metal and some say
it's fire. What do you say?
Cheui May

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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