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Favourable Elements and Unfavourable Elements

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Hi Joshua,

You can make use of our free ba zi report to get your favourable and unfavourable elements:-

URL: https://www.geomancy.net/content/personalised-reports/generate-free-feng-shui-reports/find-your-chinese-horoscope-sign-personal-ba-zi-element

In your case, it should be a weak Metal Ox. So earth and metal elements would be your favourable elements while your unfavourable elements would be fire and water elements as per this link:-

URL: https://online.geomancy.net/public/code/html-fs-self-free?pay=0&tpl=chart_true_element&username=&gender=1&day=8&month=06&year=1997&hour=0

Please check that the dob information is correct. 


Hope that helps.



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Hi Joshua,

Sure, you can consider our Ba Zi Life Reading Services.

URL: https://www.geomancy.net/forums/store/category/3-ba-zi-life-reading-services/


If you want the luck forecast, and also have additional personalised review and/or specific area of focus (ie in mids of changing career and need advise), you can consider our Ba Zi with Expert Review:-



If you don't need the expert review advise, you can get the self-help package but just want the report for some self-help assessment you can consider our Ba Zi Self-Help Bundles:-


Hope that helps!



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The animal sign is usually your Year of birth. Which in your case is the Ox.

The yearly animal sign also have an element which in your case 1997 is a Fire Ox year. So you are born in the Fire Ox year. However, depending on which day you are born, even for all the people born in a Fire Ox year, there can be a weak water/strong water, weak wood/strong wood, weak fire/strong fire, weak earth/strong earth & weak metal/strong metal (10 different combinations of element signs). So the most accurate classification for a person is always to use the day pillar.

Hence, you are a weak Metal element born in the year of the Fire Ox. Or in short, weak Metal Ox, since the day influence takes precedence to the year element as it is the element most strongest to you based on that day that you are born in. Otherwise, everyone born in the 1997 is a Fire Ox, which is a little too general as it doesn't represent your daily influence which changes depending on which day you are born in.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee


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