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Main door facing common lift

Fengshui noob

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These are some considerations:

1. Many times, everyone of us seems to assume that this and many other concerns are or belong to Feng Shui.

2. Frankly, it is far from it.

3. More to do with common sense. Why?

4. A unit main door facing a lift means that the home owner or residents often feel uncomfortable leaving their door open. As others can see into the unit.

5. Thus it boils down to the term Privacy concerns.

6. So tell me what has it got to do with Feng Shui?


7. It has more to do with Stigma + feeling uneasy and more to do with Human or Man Luck factors.

8. What is Human or Man Luck?
8.1. Man or Human Luck = Personal relationship with family and friends especially bonding and or personal feeling of good, happy or being stressed. 

9. One often shifts the blame to Feng Shui if because of things like a family member wanting to or had a previous habit of leaving the main door open.. but no longer able to do so etc... 

10. When it is time for sale of the unit; if you are concerned with this. Others may equally also have this same fear or concern.

11. Thus if later on one finds it difficult to sell the unit.. again.. go blame it on poor Feng Shui luck. Why this house so unlucky?

12. Do you know that 70 percent of the time, this and many other concerns has more to do with common sense then Feng Shui...

12.1. Imagine, I can even write a book on Common Sense... erh.. Feng Shui based on common sense....


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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