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strong metal and suitable job


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Dear Wanama,

Wanama Thefirst wrote:
I would like to know what kind of suitable job would be best to me.I am strong metal.The elements are in proportion of 43%metal ,25%water ,0%wood ,16%fire ,16%earth.Thank you.

As a Strong Metal person, careers favourable to you would be either:-

  • Water element - Advertising, Arts Brewing etc.

  • Wood element - Cafe, Carpentry, Catering etc.

  • Fire element.- Chemical Process, Fashion etc.

Of which Wood element careers are most ideal for you since you lack it.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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Dear Adeline,

adeline tan wrote:
Hi, I am also strong yang metal. Am currently working in a finance related job in the civil service and doing quite well. Wld I be more successful in my career if I switch to a more "wood" related type of job? thks!

In general, you need to consider the overall factors. A strong metal will generally mean Water, Wood, Fire are generally your more favourable elements. So in that respect of course a Wood element related career would be better.

However, in terms of career, you also need to have the proper qualification or skills in order to suceed. So it does not meant that the element favourable you to means it will bring you the best success.

Also, it also depends a lot on the percentage of your element. Sometimes a person may be Strong Metal, but is strong due to lots of Earth compared to Metal, then even if you have some Metal career it does not mean it is completely bad for you. Especially, not so if you already have like your home as Water or Wood element house which helps to already make you more balance.

The house especially will have adverse impact as the type of house you stay in can influence how your five element percentage will be. A Strong Metal person staying in a Water/Wood/Fire house, may already weaken the excess Metal, therefore, even if you have Metal career it will still bring you luck. This is the same as a weak metal, if you stay in a Earth facing house, so you draw strength from the house, therefore making you strong enough to even go for a career in Wood element (your wealth).

So several factors need to be considered in order to know how good career will be. However, generally, if just based on your element Strong metal, then wood/water/fire career tends to bring you better luck than metal/earth career.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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