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Children Bedrooms at Death sector


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The direction of our house is South-West direction and is excellent for the breadwinner. We discovered that our children's bedrooms are in the Death sector.And one of these bedrooms' door is also facing the bathroom door. Is there anything that we can do about it?



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Dear Maggie,

Maggie Lua wrote:
The direction of our house is South-West direction and is excellent for the breadwinner. We discovered that our children's bedrooms are in the Death sector.And one of these bedrooms' door is also facing the bathroom door. Is there anything that we can do about it?

Eight House deals with suitability, there is unfortunately very little you can do to correct a suitability problem except:-

1. Move the child to another bedroom (if available)

2. At least ensure that the child is sleeping in the better direction (this can help offset some of the unsuitability to the room itself)

3. Correct other feng shui issues to reduce any further inauspicious influence. ie enhance the room with favourable colours for the baby or fix up any flying star inauspicious star 2 or 5 to ensure that it does not add to the existing problem.

As for the toilet door facing the bedroom. Try to keep the toilet door close when not in use. This should be sufficient.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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