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Stars 2 and 5

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SmileDear Cecil and Robert Lee

I readone off the book that saidto avoid stars 2 and 5 as they symbolise trouble, mishap or sickness. It is important not to place a key personnel in locations with the stars 2 or 5 or both. As mountain stars can only take effect if enclosed in a room and water stars are activated only if placed in open area. One can avoid the ill effects 2 and 5 by enclosing the water stars 2 and 5 in a room and placing the mountain stars 2 and 5 in open space.

Does that mean one should not use the room or not to activate by placing any remedy.

warmest regards

Sophia Chia

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Dear Sophia,

The Flying Star concept is very simple:

1. water stars, as the name suggests should be activated in clear space environment.

While 2. mountain stars, is best activated in an enclosed environment or "blocked" by a mountain.

However, when we talk of the above, we are "anticipating" or have a view that what we are trying to activate are good stars like for water stars: #1 and #8. While for mountain stars e.g. #8 and / or #9 etc...

Therefore, for "bad stars" like #5 and #2; it will make sense to say that:

bad water stars should be "locked" up while bad mountain stars should be open space or literally placed in a "hole" to drown it!

Thus, what you had mentioned or referred to is perfectly correct.

However, we all live in a "not-so-perfect" world. For example, how often are we able to control the construction of our individual homes? It is not like we can start from scratch to develop a new home!

Thus, it is so simple to say "lock up" bad water stars while "clear space" for bad mountain stars! Many of us either buy a re-sale home or an apartment developed without major considerations of this.

Therefore, what you mentioned is "nice-to-have" but in reality; if we do not have control of how we are going to build a home; the statements are often "utopian" in nature "sounds good on paper most of the time!"

Warmest Regards,

Sophia Chia wrote:
I readone off the book that saidto avoid stars 2 and 5 as they symbolise trouble, mishap or sickness. It is important not to place a key personnel in locations with the stars 2 or 5 or both. As mountain stars can only take effect if enclosed in a room and water stars are activated only if placed in open area. One can avoid the ill effects 2 and 5 by enclosing the water stars 2 and 5 in a room and placing the mountain stars 2 and 5 in open space.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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