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Center for Feng Shui Research

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Check out Grand Duke's Theory First or err..Going to War?

Q. What is the Grand Duke's Theory?

A. The Chinese hold the Grand Duke in great esteem. The Grand Duke refers to the position of Jupiter in relation to each of the Chinese calendar year. For example in 1998, the year of the tiger, the grand duke is at 67.5 degrees or `Greater' North East (see below):-

 Note: For ease of reference, I had sub-divided NE, SE, SW and NW into "Lesser" and "Greater" divisions
e.g. Lesser North East is at 22.5 degrees, while Greater North East is at 67.5 degrees.

Q. What's the benefit about knowing the position of the Grand Duke for each year?

A. You can improve your Feng Shui or take advantage of the Grand Duke by knowing the position of the Grand Duke for each year. This is because sitting opposite or facing the Grand Duke will bring you misfortune, calamity, disaster or defeat.  Try to avoid renovations or repairs in the location opposite the Grand Duke..

The Grand Duke Theory can be applied to a house, building, a site, a city or country.

Chinese generals in the past made use of this knowledge in battle. In recent times, for example,during the Gulf war in 1991, which is the year of the ram, the grand duke was at the South West. Saddam Hussein's troops were at the North East while the Allied forces were advancing from the South West. Saddam's forces were facing the Grand Duke! The Grand Duke was with the Allied forces.

The morale of the story is not to confront the Grand Duke (facing him). Let the Grand Duke support you from behind.

Every year the Grand Duke's position changes. Position of the Grand Duke in the following years:-

Year of the
Position of the Grand Duke
1998TigerLesser North East67.5
2000DragonLesser South East112.5
2001SnakeGreater South East157.5
2003RamLesser South West202.5
2004MonkeyGreater South West247.5
2006DogLesser North West292.5

In addition to this, do take note of theGrand Duke's Good and Bad Locations Theory. This theory states that in any year, the Grand Duke has directions that are favourable to him and unfavourable locations.

Note: Please refer to the above table for the location of the Grand Duke for the current year. Please note that the date is based on the Chinese Lunar Calendar.

Each Year begins with the first day of Chinese New Year. Use this link to check the start and end date of each year. In the year 2000, it is between 5 Feb 2000 to 23 Jan 2001.

In 1998, the year of the tiger, Grand Duke's unfavourable directions are:

1. North or at 0 degrees. 

Avoid renovations at the North, Lesser South East, Greater South West. However, it is acceptable/good to do renovations at the opposite direction e.g. Greater North East (67.5 degrees), South (180 degrees) and  Lesser North West (292.5 degrees).

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