1. This yearly forecast merges your Ba Zi Daily Luck prediction with the Almanac Daily Luck (i.e. Auspicious Tung Shu Dates), enabling you to pinpoint the most favorable date that aligns with both your ba zi fortune and the Almanac fortune.
2. Ba Zi Day Luck focuses solely on daily fortune, taking into account whether luck is on your side or not, regardless of whether the day is considered auspicious or not. It delves into potential issues in areas like finances, careers, accidents, etc. A date where luck is in your favor does not automatically translate to an auspicious date. This essentially represents your individual annual ba zi fortune forecast. These are the dates you would want to select for the best luck on a specific day or month for significant events in which you are personally involved, such as closing business deals.
3. The Almanac serves as a more general auspicious date guide (partially based on Tung Shu), considering additional factors that contribute to determining the auspiciousness of a date in general (such as day vs. year clashes), whether the day is a "broken day" (po ri) which is unfavorable for weddings or business launches. Essentially, it functions like a Traditional Tung Shu (Thousand Year Calendar), where individuals consult to find suitable dates for specific events. With this added focus, the emphasis shifts from personal fortune to the overall auspiciousness of the day. These dates can be utilized for various important events, such as weddings, renovations, moving in, or any significant occasions. However, an auspicious date does not guarantee that luck is on your side, but it is deemed suitable for most events as it minimizes conflicts.
4. Ba Zi luck focuses on individual luck and potential issues to be aware of, while Almanac luck determines whether a date is favorable or not. An overall day luck is calculated taking both indicators into account, resulting in a highly auspicious date when both Ba Zi luck and Almanac luck align.
5. Typically, the Almanac date is not included in the Yearly Ba Zi forecast, as it is a separate consideration. While the Almanac date is suitable for events like weddings or moving in, it may not be ideal for important business transactions or gambling, where favorable luck is crucial.
6. Including the Almanac date in the forecast was prompted by clients seeking the best dates for successful business deals. By analyzing both Ba Zi luck and Almanac luck together, we can determine an overall date that is not only auspicious but also carries good luck for the day and month.
7. Therefore, we made the decision to integrate Almanac luck into the yearly forecast to simplify the process of finding the most auspicious and lucky date simultaneously, as it would be challenging to do so separately.
8. Simply focus on the Overall day luck, which takes into consideration the best aspects of both indicators, ensuring a harmonious and fortunate date.
9. Additionally, by assessing the favorability of monthly luck on different dates, you can ascertain which day offers more advantages. A day with positive overall energy but negative monthly luck is not as beneficial as a day with positive overall energy and favorable monthly luck. This analysis will help you pinpoint the most auspicious day of the year.