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What is the 20-Year, Yearly and Monthly Flying Star Chart?

Explanation of Flying Star Charts (Xuan Kong Fei Xing)

There are three charts available (especially in the Report Management)

a. 20-Year Flying Star Chart
b. Yearly Flying Star Chart
c. Monthly Flying Star Chart

What are the difference and which one should I use?

a. 20-Year Flying Star Chart

This is the basic chart which you should be using to find your best house or office. Why, this is because for the entire 20-year period, the stars on the chart will show you the stars that is influencing your house if it is built or had a last major renovation. This influences of this chart will not change even if you proceed to the next period, as it takes the FS based on the date of your house (or birth date of your house).

b. Yearly Flying Star Chart

This is the chart which you can use to make general yearly fine-tuning which will help you avoid any unfortunate stars during this year, you can also take the opportunity to enhance the good fortune if any.

c. Monthly Flying Star Chart

This provide further breakdown of your charts for month to month changes in the stars. You can use this for saying month to month events for your office or house. Eg. is it a good period to do something in this house or office? Also, you can take extra caution if a month has a bad star.

Hope that helps you understand why this theory has 3 types of charts. Flying Star is one chart which takes into account the Feng Shui of your house and office. The main and most important is the 20-year for determining a suitable house, the yearly and monthly helps you to be able to further isolate any problems.

Robert Lee
Center for Feng Shui Research
February 1999

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