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I've recently started reading up on Feng Shui and have been mortified to find out I've picked the worse house to buy. You see I have a cemetary in the back yard with 5 large crosses, my patio door over looks the cemetary. What can I do. Would a Pakua miror above my patio door do the trick as well as very large bushes to try to hide some of the graves and crosses. Should I always close the curtains on that side of the house. Any advice would be apreciated.

A cemetry is considered a `Yin' environment. What you can do is to create a Yang environment. Yes, you should plut a Pakua mirror above your patio.

Another way to counteract this is to paint the side of your wall `bright colours' such as Pink. This is to create a Yang environment. Can you let me know which direction of this side of the house before I recommend the colour for the door?

For example, if your house wall is at the EAST, use bright GREEN.

Yes, you can also use curtains. Make sure that they are bright coloured. Again, I need the information on the direction inorder to recommend u the appropriate colour for the curtains.

It is not good to plant large bushes as it would harbour `spirits' especially large trees. What you could do is to keep the backyard trimmed and tidy.

Cecil Lee
Center for Feng Shui Research
February 1999

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