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Posts posted by myfs_88306

  1. Hi Masters,

    Howwould you slow down chi in a townhouse that has this layout? The garage door, backdoor and patio door are in one line on the first floor. On the second floor, the sliding door, bedroom #1 door and bedroom #2 doors are all in one straight line, both with narrow hallways. :-( Geesh, how fast does chi rush through the house? I don't know. I would like to slow them down.

    I placed plants (indicated by @) and hung crystals (indicated by *) in the areas shown.Both sliding doors havecurtains, as well as the window.

    Is there anything else I can do to slow down chi?

    First Floor Second Floor

    sliding door sliding door
    _________| |_____ __________| |_____
    |@**| |hanging@ |
    | | | |
    | | | |
    | |
    | | |* |____
    | | | : : : : stairs
    _______ | door|_____ _______|door |_____
    | | | |
    | | | |
    | | | |
    | | | |
    |_____garage door___| |_______window_____|

    @ - are small plants I placed on the sides of the hallway and doors
    *and **arecrystals I hung on the ceiling in these areas

    Many thanks.

  2. Hello Master Cecil and Robert,

    In the Personal Element report, when you say Clothes/Personal Objects colors, what do you mean by personal objects? For example, I am strong Earth, year Fire Horse. My favorable objects and colors are metal, wood, white, gold, green brown. My unfavorable are fire, earth, red, yellow. Does that mean I should avoid these colors when buying clothes? Also, does this mean I should avoid using candles at home and avoid water (since water causes metal to rust)? Any clarification would help.

    Thank you.

  3. Hello Master Cecil and Robert,

    My front door opens into a narrow hallwaywall andturns to facethe back door which is a sliding door, so chi comes in and goes out. What can I do to fix this leak?

    (sliding door)
    ________| |______
    |liv rm :______
    |________: |
    (main door) __/ | hallway wall

    (If it's any help, I am an Earth person born in the year of the Fire Horse, gua 8.)


  4. Hello Ms. Lee,
    I was checking my layout and saw that both bathrooms are in the creativity/children sector. What does this mean in the future when I do have kids? How does this affect my creativity? How do I keep the energy positive in these areas to enhance creativity and children?
    Thank you for your advice.

  5. Hello Ms. Lee,
    I just checked my room and door locations by standing in front of the main door looking out. I am Earth element, fire horse, Gua 8.
    I went to the 8-house report and found that my inauspicious locations are N, E, S, SE.
    Front door is facing N20E.
    Bedroom and dining rooms are at E
    Living room is in the NE (excellent)
    Kitchen is S and SE
    Bathrooms in SW (best location for money/luck)
    Roommates room is W
    Front gate and small entrance at NW and N.
    I can't move from this house for the next 4-5 years.
    Since living here, I have had 2 thyroid cysts, sleep disorder, and I am constantly sick.
    What can I do to improve my health and prosperity?
    Thank you for your help.

  6. Hi Ms. Lee,
    Thank you very much for your reply. What you have written seems to impact my luck in my work and health directly. I became hypothyroid after moving in my home just over a year ago.
    Your reply mentioned that Qi is compressed near the center of the house (X marking) and that I have direct paths of Qi (markings AB and EF). How can I improve the flow in these areas and uncompress the Qi near the center of the house? That is my main concern.
    Thank you for your reply. It has made me aware that the opening of my home is not taken cared of correctly and that luck that wants to come in is shut by the wall facing the door or goes out by its direct path to the garage or patio door.

  7. Hi to the feng shui masters,
    I wish I had read about feng shui when I was buying my home. I love the location of my little townhouse but I feel the sectors in my house need improving because of bad layout. (please see attached jpg).
    I think my career sector is missing. The relationship sector is in the garage. My fame/reputation is in the kitchen and my family sector has the fireplace. I have narrow hallways that with 2-3 doors aligned. On top of that, the house number is 2476. Whew! :-)
    I hung a crystal on the hallways. I placed plants around the fireplace. I placed terracota pots in the kitchen. But I haven't been promoted in 5 years even though my boss keeps promising it. I still feel money is going out of my hands too fast even if I budget it. Some things are still not working for me.
    Please let me know other improvements I can make. I am female, Kua number 8, fire horse year.
    Thank you for your help.

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