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Off-site Local & International House Hunting / Can or Cannot Buy: Eyeing a few homes - Which home is better for me?
1 unit is = $188/-. 2 units = $288/-. Maximum is 3 units = $356/-.

What is needed?

1. All family member's Name / Gender / Western Date n Time of Birth (if Lunar must clearly as such) Name western is fine as this is for Feng Shui not name analysis.

2. Confirm breadwinner: usually the male breadwinner

2.1. Layout plan. For newer condos site plan is readily available. As need to check on compass direction.

3. Whatsapp or 

If via Email to: support@geomancy.net
Let me know once u emailed so that I can monitor it.
Thank You.
謝謝 Cecil Lee, Geomancy.net

And Time of birth can be given between:
1 to 2.59; am or pm
3 to 4.59; am or pm
5 to 6.59; am or pm
7 to 8.59; am or pm
9 to 10.59 am or pm

For example:-
Cannot be between 2pm to 5pm thus should be either:-

[   ] 1pm to 2.59pm or
[   ] 3pm to 4.59pm
  • 34 replies

About Us
1. Today, Geomancy.Net - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research is a world class professional geomancy center with an international clientele and a large following.

2. Geomancy.Net also provides the largest online resources and a wide range of online services due to the collaboration between Geomancy.Net and Dyn Pte Ltd.

International Feng Shui Master Cecil Lee, Founder

3. What others say about us:

As much as we see, Geomancy.net has great web presence built up over the years and is seen as one of the SG market leaders in residential house audit. Learn more:

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Off-site House Hunting / Can or Cannot buy by Ranking of Bedroom Type: Brand New and my selection depends on my queue/ballot number! Let me identify the Good, the Bad & the Ugly for You!
1. Fee for this service is $288/- for the ranking of a specific bedroom type. 3 Days non-urgent.

1.1. For example, all 5-bedrooms in this development: HDB Sunshine Gardens.

1.2. The advantage of this is by the time it reach your turn, you have a quick means of hopefully selecting the next best stack/unit.

2. [Below] This is an overview. Nowadays, I have summarised this information in a text file format for ease of reference.

3. This is the actual sample that you will be receiving [either .txt or .pdf]:

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