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Off-site Local & International House Hunting / Can or Cannot Buy: Eyeing a few homes - Which home is better for me?
1 unit is = $188/-. 2 units = $288/-. Maximum is 3 units = $356/-.

What is needed?

1. All family member's Name / Gender / Western Date n Time of Birth (if Lunar must clearly as such) Name western is fine as this is for Feng Shui not name analysis.

2. Confirm breadwinner: usually the male breadwinner

2.1. Layout plan. For newer condos site plan is readily available. As need to check on compass direction.

3. Whatsapp or 

If via Email to: support@geomancy.net
Let me know once u emailed so that I can monitor it.
Thank You.
謝謝 Cecil Lee, Geomancy.net

And Time of birth can be given between:
1 to 2.59; am or pm
3 to 4.59; am or pm
5 to 6.59; am or pm
7 to 8.59; am or pm
9 to 10.59 am or pm

For example:-
Cannot be between 2pm to 5pm thus should be either:-

[   ] 1pm to 2.59pm or
[   ] 3pm to 4.59pm
  • 34 replies

About Us
1. Today, Geomancy.Net - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research is a world class professional geomancy center with an international clientele and a large following.

2. Geomancy.Net also provides the largest online resources and a wide range of online services due to the collaboration between Geomancy.Net and Dyn Pte Ltd.

International Feng Shui Master Cecil Lee, Founder

3. What others say about us:

As much as we see, Geomancy.net has great web presence built up over the years and is seen as one of the SG market leaders in residential house audit. Learn more:

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Off-site house hunting can be a strategic approach, where the ability to purchase is often determined by the ranking of bedroom types and one's queue or ballot number. Allow me to discern the good, the bad, and the ugly for you!
1. Fee for this service is $288/- for the ranking of a specific bedroom type. 3 Days non-urgent.

1.1. For example, all 5-bedrooms in this development: HDB Sunshine Gardens.

1.2. The advantage of this is by the time it reach your turn, you have a quick means of hopefully selecting the next best stack/unit.

2. [Below] This is an overview. Nowadays, I have summarised this information in a text file format for ease of reference.

3. This is the actual sample that you will be receiving [either .txt or .pdf]:

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