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Posts posted by myfs_85455

  1. Dear master lee,
    thanks for replying to my earlier post.
    i would like to seek your opinion on the following:
    a friend of mine was advised by a feng shui practitioner to drive certain "brands" of car(eg: he can only drive toyotas but not nissan?) and the license number that he is "suitable" for. are these advices "legitimate" in feng shui?
    thank you for your insight.

  2. dear master lee,
    my son's bedroom door directly faces the toilet door and they are about 3 & half feet apart. is this bad fengshui? (the basin & mirror is right in front of me while the toilet bowl is on the right side facing the wall on my left as i walked in. the toilet bowl is not visible when the door is opened.) if so, what should i do to dispel the bad fengshui?
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