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Posts posted by myfs_92390

  1. Dear Cecil,
    I shall be very pleased if you can advise me whether my house, if upgraded to Period 8, may enjoy the benefits of the pearl string formation.
    1. It is facing Northwest 1.
    2. It is a rectangular house sitting on a rectangular piece of land.
    3. In front of the house and stretching about 80 feet is an empty grass covered small field which has a very thick hedge of about 10 feet tall that has effectively blocked the view beyond. Below this hedge is a busy highway. Across the highway are two to three level buildings. About 1 km. further are four apartment blocks, slightly to the right backed by a small mountain range in the distance.
    4. Backing the house is a row of similar houses higher than my house. There is a small lane separating the two rows. This is where I am thinking of placing a water feature, a big jar with water lilies and guppies.
    I shall be very pleased if for your advice.
    Thank you.

  2. Dear Cecil,
    How does one analyze the feng shui of a house whose shape is very awkward, eg. 1) Very broad but narrow house 2) the opposite, very narrow but very long. For the first situation does one just take the front three sectors and analyze? For the second does one just take the central spine three sectors and analyze? Any difference in approach for the Eight Mansions FS and the flying star FS?
    Thank you.
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