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Posts posted by ehocrys

  1. Dear Master
    According to many geomancer's forcast, next year's?Ox zodiac is extremely bad
    without any "auspicious stars",?only? "unlucky stars".?
    Pls advise without?any "auspicious stars" will Ox?people?badly affected?next
    When I look under my "strong metal" Ox forcast, you have stated in your website,
    "Average".? Pls advise?will "Strong Metal" Ox?be?better off?due to?its "Strong
    Thank You so much

  2. Dear Master Lee
    My entrance has M8 W6 B4. I am staying in a HDB 5-rm flat.
    Can I activate the M8 with a small table fountain put at the corner
    of my main entrance next the the main door?
    Pls advise before I purchase the fountain.
    Thanks very much in advance.
    Wishing You All the Best for the Year 2007
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  3. Dear Master Lee
    My living room has stars M3 W2 B8.
    I think #3 and #2 are giving me much trouble as there are quarrels going
    Please advise how to neutralise the above stars at my living room.
    Thank You Very Much
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  4. Thank You Ms Sophia.
    Master Lee reading, could you kindly confirm what Sophia said? Must my girl sits against the wall to get support?
    I now put her study desk facing the bedroom door (her Prosperity). She sits against the window wall (ie. upper half of the wall are all windows, lower half is a wall). As her room is at true North sector, there is no afternoon sun.
    Is this appropriate?
    Pls help as I really wish my kid to have better concentration in her studies.
    Thanks Very Much
    free-advice Listmanager wrote:
    From: Sophia Chia
    Dear Emily
    I would suggest that you reposition the wardrobes. As back facing the window or back facing the bedroom door. It is an inauspicious as there is no support and backstabbing.
    Another alternative is the other way round, she faces the windows and back facing the bedroom door.
    If the location is in the West. She will get the sun directly to her study table. It's an ideal to place the sitting support by the wall as it represent mountain (solid wall). Unless there is no alternative.
    As the study table made of glass I believe Master Cecil/Master Robert Lee will reply to you.
    With warmest regards
    Sophia Chia
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  5. Dear Master Lee
    I just ordered a new study table for my daughter.
    Now like to ask, can I put her study table facing the bedroom door so that she will sit with her back facing the windows and she facing the entrance of the bedroom.
    Another alternative is the other way round, she faces the windows and back facing the bedroom door.
    If both are no good, will have to shift wardrobes. Pls advise besides facing her good direction, which sitting position is good for her studies?
    Her table is a modern tempered glass computer/writing desk with rounded corners so it will not have sharp edges pointing at her bed.
    Thank you very much for your help.

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  6. Dear Master Cecil
    Sorry if I had been a nuisance and posted a stupid question. Do forgive my ignorance. You are right that mothers have alot to worry and perhaps worry unnecessarily. Of course we will try our best to improve our relationships with our children. The only worry is that if bazi is inborn or innate, no matter how hard one tries to be nice and friendly, may not be able to overcome or change the fate.
    Anyway, thank you very much and grateful for your prompt reply.
    Best Regards

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  7. Dear Master Cecil
    What about if NW is the living room and has MS3 WS2 BS8, the bad #5 yellow that you mentioned at this sector will further worsen by the #3 & #2.
    What should I do to neutralise this sector, given that this house is a Sum-of-Ten house?
    Thank you very much for your kind help.
    Best Regards
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  8. Dear Master Cecil
    Thanks very much your prompt reply.
    However, I think I did not make myself clear. My wealth element is wood hence I am a Strong Metal and not wood person as you mentioned in your reply.
    Can a Strong Metal person take up a Wood career since Wood is my wealth element?
    Thanks Once Again
    Paris Chee
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  9. Thank You Master Lee for your prompt reply.
    The B# is 4. So its mountain #8, water #6 and base #4 at my main entrance (not the facing).
    It is a HDB flat. Entrance door also facing a wall (the kitchen wall).
    Must I activate the mountain #8 at the entrance? If yes, what should I place?
    Thank You
    free-advice Listmanager wrote:
    From: Cecil Lee
    Dear Emily,
    Given that the mountain star is #8, water is not a good idea here, since firstly water at an auspicious MS#8 can drown or "drop the mountain into a hole(water)" thus making it inauspicious.
    If you have a landed property or if your is a landed property, then landscaping with rock garden would be favourable to further enhance the mountain star #8. In addition, neutralise the #6 - strong metal water star. This is provided the base star is also considered.
    Here, you have not mentioned what is the base star number. As it should be considered together with the MS and WS.
    Warmest Regards,

    On 12/23/2004 10:16:41 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Dear Master Lee
    If the mountain star #8 and
    water star #6 is at my main
    door entrance (not the
    facing). How do I activate it
    or can I activate it since it
    is mountain star and at main
    door. If can, what should I
    place there?
    Thank You for your kind
    assistance and very
    comprehensive website indeed,

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  10. Dear Master Lee
    If the mountain star #8 and water star #6 is at my main door entrance (not the facing). How do I activate it or can I activate it since it is mountain star and at main door. If can, what should I place there?
    Thank You for your kind assistance and very comprehensive website indeed,

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  11. Dear Master Cecil
    May I ask what about Base star 8, can a water position enhance base star 8? Or must it definitely be water star 8?
    Thanks Very Much
    free-advice Listmanager wrote:
    From: Cecil Lee
    Dear Anon,
    A better method is to draw a Flying star chart of the home.
    Find out where is the water star #8. (This star is suppose to be the current water prosperity sector).
    If the location so happens to be next to the TV set, then water can be activated here.
    Under the flying star chart, if this sector happens to be the mountain star #8 (current mountain star prosperity sector), then a water position here can inadvertenly "drown" or suffocate the mountain wealth sector.
    Under the flying star chart, if the sector also happens to be mountain star #9 (future prosperity sector). And 9 represents the fire element, a water position can drown the future prosperity sector.
    Warmest Regards,

    On 11/9/2004 3:55:32 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Can I place a mini fountain
    beside my TV or next to the TV

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  12. Dear Master Lee
    May I ask if my wealth element is Wood, should I wear more green colour and have more greenery in my house?
    Will a Strong Wood partner give me better wealth luck?
    Would appreciate more clarification about wealth element. What we should do with it?
    Best Regards
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  13. Dear Mr Lee
    I have hung a windchime at my balcony to help control double 5 and 9.
    Please advise if 7th ghost month still appropriate to hang windchime.
    Will the chiming sound "attract" spirits?
    Must I keep the windchime for the time being and put it back after the
    7th month ends?
    If windchime is not used at this bad sector, will there be bad effects?
    Can I put a small metal clock there instead?
    Thank You for your assistance,
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  14. Thank You, Mr Lee for your reply. You are most helpful and yes can understand what you mean.
    free-advice Listmanager wrote:
    From: Cecil Lee
    Dear Emily,
    In my opinion, we still need to use visual - sight and smell
    Athough smell may vary during the day and when a dumpster pass-by.
    But, often, one way of looking at is is a walk-thru of the neighbourhood. Such as climbing up the stairs to the unit.
    In many instances, both the exterior an interior should often "match".
    For example, if the exteriorof the home, after the upgrading looks prestine or new, but if one's interior is pretty old (worn-out) etc.. Clues can come from the toilet(s), the kitchen and the living area.
    If the interior has not been upgraded, it is an important clue that only the exterior has "changed". It is much like proverb of an apple: "an apple may look beautiful outside -- but it could be rotten inside".
    Generally, both the inside of a home and outside should "feel new". If not, or one of them does not feel so, then, it is most likely, the apartment remains under the old period.
    Warmest Regards,

    On 8/1/2004 5:00:31 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Dear Master Lee
    Pls advise if the HDB major
    upgrading will change a flat
    from a period 7 to period 8?
    Major Upgrading involves redo
    the 2 toilets, change of
    grille gate, change of windows
    and window grilles.
    The rest of the house remains
    the same. Will the above
    change the period of my flat?
    Pls kindly advise.
    Thank You

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  15. Dear Master Lee
    Pls advise if the HDB major upgrading will change a flat from a period 7 to period 8?
    Major Upgrading involves redo the 2 toilets, change of grille gate, change of windows and window grilles.
    The rest of the house remains the same. Will the above change the period of my flat?
    Pls kindly advise.
    Thank You

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  16. Dear Master Lee
    If a house has sum-of-ten in all sectors, however the front facing is
    double 7, does this house still benefit from the goodness of the
    sum-of-ten in this Period 8?
    Would greatly appreciate your advise.
    Thank You
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  17. Dear Master Cecil
    What about a low shoe rack inside the house and facing the main entrance? Is this bad feng shui?
    free-advice Listmanager wrote:
    From: Cecil Lee
    Dear Sophia,
    We often hear or read books on Feng Shui giving advice on grave concerns of shoe cabinets or shoes outside a main door.
    But frankly, in my opinion, this is considered "peanuts" Feng Shui or not a major issue.
    This is because, for practical reasons, many (many) people, rich or poor, have at least a shoe cabinet or shoes outside their main door.
    The only uncomfortable thing is to have a shoe cabinet built into a partition facing the main door. This is more of a personal feeling.
    Warmest Regards,

    On 6/15/2004 12:00:26 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Dear Master Cecil
    I have a question regarding
    display of shoe
    cupboard. There no
    altarnative where I can place
    the shoe cupboard. Is it
    alright to place it side of my
    door entrance or facing my
    door entrance. Will be much
    appreciate from your advice.
    Have a nice day. Thank you in

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  18. Dear Master Cecil
    Thank you so much for your valued advice.
    We greatly appreciate and now know what to do about my girl's room.
    Thank You once again
    free-advice Listmanager wrote:
    From: Cecil Lee
    Dear Emily,
    1. Yeah, you did the right thing by not using real water or yang water in this room.
    2. Since there are a double 7. in the bedroom, it is best to avoid:
    Earth (Yellow, cream or beige)
    3. If earth appears in this room e.g. especially yellow, than, it is best avoided.
    4. The best element flow in your should be:
    Water (Blue, black or grey) and Wood (Green or brown).
    This is because under the productive cycle of the five elements:
    Metal -> Water -> Wood
    5. This three cycle flow is in a productive sequence.
    6. Where Fire element is introduced, one has to be extra careful not to introduce Earth element. If not, the equation becomes:
    Fire -> fuels Earth -> fuels Metal
    7. In addition, as a rule of thumb under the Five elements concept, it is better not to introduce Fire when a water cure is used.
    This is because, under the destructive cycle (also) Water destroys Fire and weaking the water.
    8. Given this, it is best to look at either (all water cures e..g blue in the entire room) or a combination of blue and wood (green or brown).
    9. Some Feng Shui schools introduce Yin water into the bedroom. For example, they adivse their clients to use an empty 1.5 litre plastic bottle, place 6 coins into it and pour water till full. Close the cap and place the bottle "indefinitely" at a corner of a room. Hmm.. basically no harm. But if one has a young child, make sure that she does not unintentionally drink the water in this bottle.
    Warmest Regards,

    On 4/16/2004 10:17:58 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Dear Mr Lee
    I am told to use water to
    drown the weaken metal 7
    (double 7).
    Since it is a bedroom, I
    cannot place water inside.
    Neither can I use
    Fire to destroy the metal.
    Please advise if I change bed
    sheets to blue and wall
    painted pink is
    it correct to exhaust the
    weaken metal? Should I place
    a red rug on the
    floor as well. This year's
    annual star is 1 but afraid
    next year when
    1 is no longer there, the room
    may be bad for my girl.
    Please help.
    Thank you very much in advance
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  19. Dear Mr Lee
    I am told to use water to drown the weaken metal 7 (double 7).
    Since it is a bedroom, I cannot place water inside. Neither can I use
    Fire to destroy the metal.
    Please advise if I change bed sheets to blue and wall painted pink is
    it correct to exhaust the weaken metal? Should I place a red rug on the
    floor as well. This year's annual star is 1 but afraid next year when
    1 is no longer there, the room may be bad for my girl.
    Please help.
    Thank you very much in advance
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  20. Dear Mr Lee
    May I ask what happens if the weaken metal (in my case double 7) is in the bedroom (base 3, yr 1), which I cannot possible put a water feature there. What should I do?
    Can I change bedsheet to blue? Fire can exhaust metal correct?
    So should I paint the wall pink or put a red rug on the floor?
    Awaiting your valued advice.
    Thank You
    free-advice Listmanager wrote:
    From: "Robert Lee"
    Dear Hoa Luong,
    The best water element feature is a water feature like fountain. This is often the best and direct representation for water element. 5 (Earth) and 7 (Metal) is often best dealt with with a water feature which will convert all the negative energy to sometime beneficial.
    Hope that helps.
    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee

    On 4/8/2004 3:52:59 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    Dear Cecil,
    Thank you for
    responding. Here's more
    info: The base star is
    6. The mountain star
    is 7. The water
    star is 5 and the yearly star
    is also 5.
    My question is that what is
    the water solution when you
    say "use water to exhaust and
    weaken metal "?
    Thanks again,

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  21. Dear Mr Lee
    If my house facing which is not the main door, is good for me and my family members, however my main door (not the facing of the house) is in my death sector - is this still bad? If so, what should I do?
    Is house facing more important or the main door? which one should take priority?
    Thank You VM in advance

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  22. Dear Mr Lee
    Thank you so much for your reply. Greatly appreciate your help.
    free-advice Listmanager wrote:
    From: Cecil Lee
    Dear Emily,
    1. Other than Yr3, (although bad wood - that is helpful, this time around), the other combinations of #5 x 2 fueled with M#9 fire is indeed - pretty bad. (Yes, very inauspicious).
    2. The idea behind the neutralising of #5 is the use of constant metal. Thus, imagine this: a wind chime that does not make (constant) noise is as good as not having a wind chime at all. This is akin to swallowing a sugar coated pill with no good visible results.
    3. With this potent combination of #5 x 2, one sure need to have pretty much constant metal to activate some kind of a neutralisation.
    4. Thus a wind chime outside of the house or at the balcony is a much better choice.
    5. In addition, to scan this location for any addition of "unwanted" earth elements e.g. porcelin decorative items. If so, try to place them somewhere else.
    6. Also, try to avoid any tone of colours such as earth tones especially YELLOW colour or Chili RED colours. These two "primary" colours are best avoided, here.
    7. Often, I speak of the "Bruce Lee - method" and the "Jackie Chan method".
    8. Many of us seen Bruce Lee's shows. He goes all out to maim or kill his opponents with as little blows as possible.
    9. Thus, in my opinion, hanging a wind chime is the equavalent of using blows to destroy i.e. #5.
    10. The Jackie Chan method is that one could perhaps, place a water feature at the balcony, by applying the five elements to use the "Tai Qi" effect, to create a flow of water -> 6 gold fish 1 black gold fish -> in a rectangle fish tank - is another alternative.
    11. I do not want to sound so cruel, but, often, these fishes may die or need to be "sacrificed" but if so, do replace them immediately. The saying goes " It is either the fish or US?" *Fish lovers* I beg you not to report me to the SPCA!!
    Warmest Regards,

    On 3/30/2004 6:17:34 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    Dear Mr Lee
    My balcony has M9 W5 B5 Yr3.
    Understand that this is very
    Can I hang a windchime?
    Should I hang it inside the
    balcony or at the door of the
    Pls advise.
    Thank YOU in advance.
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  23. Dear Mr Lee
    My bedroom has stars M7, W7, B3 and Year 1.
    Understood from you that in Period 8, star 7 is very bad.
    How do I apply remedy to the above combination of bad stars in my room?
    Pls advise. Greatly appreciate.
    Thank You VM
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  24. Dear Mr Lee
    My balcony has M9 W5 B5 Yr3.
    Understand that this is very inauspicious.
    Can I hang a windchime? Should I hang it inside the balcony or at the door of the balcony?
    Pls advise.
    Thank YOU in advance.
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