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Posts posted by Milano

  1. Hello,
    I just purchased a house and I noticed that the bedroom is in the North-West sector which is considered my prosperity sector(My DOB is 5-22-72 and the house was built in 1985) so, I am pretty happy about that; However, the bedroom is not a perfect square. It has some angles and the ceiling is slightly vaulted. In addition, I have a huge lake in my backyard and the bedroom has a balcony which faces the lake(which is one of the reason why I picked the house. It really is a pretty view). If I believe these Angles Might constitute poison arrows, how do I neutralize them? Can the lake create some problems?

  2. Hello,
    I recently purchased a house. The main door faces east more or less with 2, 7 and 5 at the base. My bedroom is at the NE sector more or less. I did an Eight house analysis and I discovered that the bedroom is the Long Gone Prosperity Section with 6(metal), 2(earth) and 1(Water) at the base. How may this be corrected? Should I use more metal to control earth? And in what form? How does water influence the others? I am a Rat. I believe Water is my symbol, although I am not sure if strong or weak.
    Thanks for your help.

  3. Hello Cecil.
    I recently generated a pillars of destiny. The chart said that this five year period is not very auspicious and that I should use metal to counterbalance. Now, in what form? Should I wear it on my person?
    Thank you for your help.

  4. Hello,
    I have been having some health problems recently. I generated a house report and noticed that I have a sickness star in the north where my bed resides. The base number is 2(earth) and the eight & one combination are 2(earth) on the left and 1(Water) on the right. The house faces SE, built in the early 70's and my date of birth is May 22 1972. What should I do to neutralize the star? What elements should I use to create balance and in what form? By form I mean a particular object; for example, I read in this form that metal is represented by six chinese coins.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you.
  5. Hello, I read about the use of the six copper
    chinese coins to be used as strong metal. If
    I can't find the chinese coins can I use
    other coins made of copper? If not were can I
    find the chinese coins? My next question
    regards the pillar of destiny chart I used on
    this site. It mentions that on the
    inauspicious periods of my life I should use
    strong metal or wood. How should I use this
    strong metal? Should I wear it on my person?
    In addition, what metals are considered weak
    and which are considered strong. By the way,
    I am a Rat. I think weak water is my
    element(May 22 1972)

  6. Hello,
    I live in a second floor apartment. I am trying to figure out my main entrance. The configuration is as follows: I enter a door from the outside and face a staircase located between 2 walls at the end of which I enter the actual living space on my right(there is no door, just an "opening"). Is the main entrance the one at the bottom of the stairs or the opening at the top of the stairs.
    P.S. The stairs are part of the apartment they are not common area of other apartments.
    Thank You!

  7. Hello,
    I live in a L-Shaped Apartment-more like a knight move on a board of chess-. I Read in one of the articles that in a house with such a configuration one should apply the 8 house chart to both sections. My question then is: should I consider two different entrances- one for the rectangular shaped section and one for the smaller Square Shaped Section-? Or should I just consider The Main Entrance to the apartment?

  8. Hello Cecil,
    First of all I want to thank you for all the advices and compliment you guys on how great this site is.
    This is really a continuation of the "Health&Family in bathroom" topic from general advice. I applied the 8 house theory to my apartment to both sections of my apartment(I have an L shaped apt. with a long rectangular which comprises of the living, dining room and kitchen plus a closet and a smaller almost square shape section which includes the bedroom, bathroom and walk in closet) and then went ahead and did a flying star chart. You were right, I do have a star(2) base with 4 & 7 as accompanying numbers in a section of my bedroom(other sections are influenced by other stars since the bedroom takes up most of the space of the square shape mentioned above). I noticed that the north line(associated with Star2) crosses my bed. The solution would be to use metal... but how much and how should I do it considering that the bedroom is a notorious place for storing wooden furniture? Should I fill the furniture with metal objects? Can I put metal objects under the bed?
    The star report mentions that, for example, 4 & 7 is an inauspicious combination; however, the explanation of their combination is a positive one(wealth and romance gains). Could you explain? Am I going to lose the effect of the combination if I use neutralizing elements?
    In addition, star(5) with 1 & 4 is located on the SE of my bedroom. Solution is Metal. And the report suggests to activate the Mountain Star. Should this object be made of the neutralizing element, in this case Metal?
    Is flying star more accurate than 8 house even if they somewhat contradict each other?
    Please forgive the lengthy descriptions and questions. Once again, Thank You Very Much.

  9. Hello,
    My question regards furniture placement. I just familiarized myself with the 8 house theory. Now, should, for example, the couch be facing the auspicious cardinal point so that I face it when I am sitting on it or should it be leaning against the auspicious wall. Right now, my couch is facing an auspicious direction; however, all my electronic appliances are lying against that wall. Is that bad?
    Can you apply the 8 house theory to single rooms?
    In addition, Is the main entrance's position determined by what cardinal point it faces or by what position it has within the 8 house chart.
    Thank you!

  10. Dear Cecil,
    Thank you for answering my questions; however, your answer rose other curiosities. In my previous message I described my main entrance: upon entering there is a narrow staircase at the end of which I enter the living space at my left. Now, according to what you have written, it seems to me that you believe that the main entrance is actually the opening at the top of the staircase and not the door at the bottom of the staircase(it's a 2nd floor apt). Would that be true?
    Plus, is the position of the main door determined by the actual cardinal point it faces or by the position it is located within the eight house theory square(sorry
    if confusing)? I also read that it is not advisable to have a staircase facing the main door. If the door at the bottom at the staircase is the main entrance what can I do to circumvent the problem described above.
    Please forgive the long questions.
    P.S. The bedroom would then be in the northwest with the corner of the two outer walls being the north point.(I am North person May 1972)

  11. Hello Cecil,
    thank you for your advice. I wanted to add some new discoveries. I noticed that what I would consider my main entrance is facing (don't know to what degree exactly)my death sector according to the eight house theory; therefore, the bedroom wall with the windows
    is facing northeast somewhat(I am A north Person). Out of my bedroom I see trees next to the house and the end of the side of another building.
    In addition, (Just Had a Doubt)what is the proper way of positioning the BaGua on a floor plan? The way I did it was to place the side with the career&path over the side of the house which has the main entrance regardless of cardinal positioning.

  12. Hello,
    I have noticed That since I have moved Into
    My new Apartment, my health has been
    deteriorating... I did some research on Feng
    shui and realized by studying the Ba-Gua that
    my health & family section is in the bathroom
    and it probably continues in my bedroom
    closet which is right behind the bathroom
    walls. What can I do to improve the
    Bathroom's feng shui.
    In Addition, the eight house chart indicates
    that the ideal house positioning for me would
    be a north entrance. My apartment is just the
    opposite with, for example, the bedroom being
    in the North East Corner. Any Suggestions?
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