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Posts posted by myfs_107750

  1. Hi, thks for your reply. I chk thru the link you forwarded. But found that i belong to the strong earthand not wood which the other fengshui master was saying????ShockedShockedso is is possible to confirm on whether which type i belong too? wood or earth? if it is earth, from your chart, the engineering career is ok for me. but ifit is wood, it is not, right?i seek your expertise in this area....

  2. hi, i recently seek Ba Zi consultation from some fengshui masters. I know that my KUA number is 9 which belong to the Li group (Fire) as my birthday is on 07/01/1974.

    The master is telling me that i belong to the Wood, and thus my careershould be in thesector of water and wood. If it is wood, i stillcan believe it as wood when burn produce firebut water will kill off the fire. But hesaid that the water will nourish the wood to make it grow Shocked. Also quite true. But still not sure. He told me that career in engineering related to metal works, and electronics products selling is not good for me? I really not sure what he means?

    Can you advise me whether he speak the true?

  3. Hi,

    my life is going upside down for the past 4 years. my love life gone as i just broke off, my business at a standstill with minimums sales coming in, my family at a cashflow problems. i personally owned friends, suppliers, HDB, credits cards/banks, and other money related issues amounted to over $80k!!!!!! Personallythe debts was builtup over times as my business start to go down hill. need money to clearvendors and pay for myfamily and my ownbasic needs. Sold off my car, pawn mygold rings and chains,trade-inmy equipments and etc. now i am left with nothing in my bank, maybe $10 in it. whenever my business pickup and sales coming in, something will happen and cause me to lose more money.actually ireally want to consult you to help me put an end to my problems but not able to due to money. gone are the days (4 yrs back)where i earn over $5k monthly with no worries. when i started business with partners, things started very well, then things happen, partners don't talk, fall out, and i start my own but as happen, things will always start well but always got some thing happen that make it go down drain.i really not sure what to do????????

  4. Hi, i am looking for new office space. but need to know which direction is more important, the main entrance door facing to my lucky direction or the office windows? My direction is southern asi belong to the Li type (No.9). And how to gauge the actual direction of the whole office area, is it stand at the centre of the office and see where the needle is pointing? thanks for your help.Very Happy

  5. hi, i started my first business in end of year 2000 and was progressing by leaps and bound. But along the years, the shareholders started to have mistrust and since business was on a sharp downturn till we ended the business in mid 2002.

    Since then, i had started my second business at end of year 12/2002 with another two new partners. The first phase of business was good but it cannot lasts over5 months and one of the partner left the business adn since then, it was on the downturn. But the remaining two partners only able to see some lights for their ventures in the mid of this year but now the other partner is leaving to start his own business. I am staying put and intend to bring my business up. And i had started another company to cater to another needs.

    Is it that iam doomed to not having or can work in partneship for business? How can i improve my busienss and see success soon?

    Because of my business, i am curently in debts (credit loans, friends loans, suppliers loan) of over $80k plus which i am not able to clear?

    My birthday as 07/01/1974.

  6. Hi, i discovered that my immediate front windowsformy balcony and two bed rooms are facing another HDB with a sharp pointed design aiming at my flat. Should i be placing Bagua at all the windows facing the opposing HDB flat or just need to place one set at the balcony?

    I need to seek your help to improve my business and increase my wealth, and my birthday is 07/01/1974. Can you advise me on my current and future forecasts?

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