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Everything posted by myfs_107818

  1. Hi, just a few questions here.. hope u don't mind answering them... I wonder what does "writing" as a career fall under? Water (imagination?) or Wood (paper)... or Fire (also another element usually related to imagination...). Anyway, under the "wood"-related careers category, i see "electronics", "scientific instruments" and "new technology"... is this right? Well... under my report is "suitable favourable career" that neither belong to my wealth/power careers... where does it come from? And what does it mean when it says that "it is more beneficial for you if you are unable to find a suitable Career with Wealth or Career with Power and Authority"? Also...as i'm a strong metal person, should i avoid careers with metal or should i jump into a career with my own element in it -- like a fish takes to water? Thanks for helping me.
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