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  1. Hi, I am a student in your flying star course. In Unit 8: How etermine the Direction of the Main Entrance Door, you introduce a method which is to determine the direction based on from the center of the house. I think it makes sense. But somehow I remember you also mentioned in one forum that for landed house, the main entrance door direction is the direction the house facing, regardless of which place (according to the center of the house) the main entrance door located. I might remember wrong. But in case it's true, could you please provide the rationale of determining the direction this way? example: House is single family house on private land. Main entrance door is facing North, but it is located in NE part of house, from center of house point of view. What method should I apply? This topic confuses me all the time. To me, I really think the method you mentioned in unit 8 makes more sense, regardless of the type of house. Y.J.
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