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Posts posted by myfs_117037

  1. Dear Mr Lee,

    My self-element is weak Yin Fire,metal ox born in 1961.

    My house main door is in South West 1. House is sitting North East and Facing South West. (My Main door is just in the middle of the frontage of myhouse.

    I would like to find out which room is the best for me to use as my study/home office. My choice is whether roomsituated in the south or North west of my house.. My master bed room is at North and the kitchen is in East.

    Thanks & regards.

  2. Dear Sir,

    Can we be able to read from one person bazi whether he will become bankrupt.

    My partner was not do well for the past. just enough for living and no end having court case (as petition and defender) for the past 20 years. his ba zi read as follow:

    Yang FireYang Water Yin wood Yin Water

    Yang Fire(horse)Yang Fire(horse)Yin Wood(rabbit) Yin Fire (snake)

    & my ba zi read as follow

    Yin Wood Yang Wood Yang earth Yin Wood

    Yin water(pig) yang fire(horse) yang wood (tiger) yin earth (sheep)

    Will my bazi affect the luck of my partner.

    Please advise


  3. Dear sir/mdm,

    a weak yang water person with 4 fire in his four pillars and married to a strong yang wood and having 4 wood element in the chart and havetwo daughter have 3earth element and 1 daughter have 4 earth element in their chart. As wood produce fire, will it be too strong the fire is especially 2006 is year of fire. How to overcome this.

    In the chart fire is the wealth, Finaancial element. and missing metal element that represent resource & support. the other missing element is wood.


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