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Posts posted by carinatien

  1. Dear Cecil,
    I understand that children are not advisable to sleep on the floor (with mattress). My child is presently sleeping on the floor and she is always feeling sick. I do not know if she got the virus from the child care centre or because of bad fenghsui for her. I intend to buy a single bed, which can be placed beside my king size bed. However, due to the space contraint, one side of her bed will lean against the wall of the toilet. Is this OK? If not, what should I do to counter fight these?
    p/s: I tried to attached files to you but after many tries, I still can't get the message sent across. Can I email to you direct?

  2. Dear Cecil,
    Thanks for your advise. I have attached a file on Lotus Freelance Graphics on my house layout. I have also indicated where are the poison arrows. I do have a ceiling fan at my living hall. Will it help to neutralise the bad feng shui caused by the heat from the sun?
    My husband kua no. is Kan (1) and mine is Kun (2). Is the house OK for us?
    Thanks for your advise.

  3. Dear Cecil,
    Thanks for the advice. Is the "screen full height or display panel" imaginary or real thing. I tried to divide my living hall. I ended with 3 rectangles. There are 2 "screen full height" at the 2 corners. Does it mean that the 2 corners are not a threat. Then under what circumstances that the corner is considering a threat in feng shui.
    In regards to the heat issue. I do have a ceiling fan. Is this good enough? It is only from Apr to Sep that my living hall is hot (SW facing). From Oct to Mar, the hall is very windy, no direct sun at all.

  4. Dear Cecil,
    The poison arrows are inside the house. My house is "L" shape leading the entrance to the living hall and another "L" shape leading the living hall to the dining hall. The distance between the 2 "L"s is about 4 meters. It is the "L" shape that form the corners thus become poison arrows.
    If heat in the house is consider unauspicious, what about installing an air con. Will this help since it cool down the place.

  5. Dear Cecil,
    I am staying in a HDB flat. My front door faces the north and my main living hall window faces south-west. How do you rate my house?
    I have 2 poison arrows in the living hall. One is at the East and the other one is at the North. The one faces the North is pointing to my bed. The one faces the East is pointed to my wooden bench (this is the only position I can put my bench due to space constraint). Can I put 2 chimes in each corner to hide the poison arrows?
    As I have mentioned, my main window faces SW. It is really hot in the afternoon (Singapore weather). Does this affect the feng shui in my house? When it comes to the afternoon, the whole house is like a stove!

  6. Dear Cecil,
    Please advice if balcony is considered part of the living hall. I have a balcony at my living hall and I plan to put some plants at it. I understand that Cacti can only plant outside the house. So can I put them in my balcony?

  7. Dear Cecil,
    My KUA no. is 1. I have read a feng shui book that if my Kua is no.1, my wealth corner is SE and it is good to place plants at the SE of my house. My I ask, this "SE" is SE to the whole house or SE to a particular room.

  8. Dear Cecil,
    1. I understand that mirror should not directly face the main entrance. However, can I hang pictures facing the main entrance? The glass on the frame also reflects right?
    2. My main door entrance faces my neighhbour's door entrance. I understand that I can hang a ba gua on top of the exterior door. However, can I hang a plate, with a shape of the ba gua only? I actually want to paint some flowers on the plate. I thought if the shape of the plate resembles a ba gua, I use that to substitute a real ba gua. Is that true?
    Carina Tien

  9. Dear Cecil,
    1. I understand that everyone have a kua number and everyone have a set of sectors according to the directions in the house. eg.
    someone might have "health" sector at the north side of the house. What do we call this? Is there any name for that? How do we fully utilize
    the best sector. Eg. if my "health" sector is in the north, how do I make the best out of it?
    2. I understand that decorating with dried flowers are no good for feng shui. Is this true?
    3. Is it good for feng shui if we put our shoes at the doorway entrance?
    4. Is is good to hang lots of floral pictures in the house?
    5. Is is good for feng shui if we burnt scented candles in the house. I understand that Chinese relate candles to the dead or for prayer only.
    6. If my husband's career sector is in the south of the house, how do I boost up his career path by utilizing this sector?
    Thank you for your attention.

  10. Dear Cecil,
    1. I understand that everyone have a kua number and everyone have a set of sectors according to the directions in the house. eg. someone might have "health" sector at the north side of the house. What do we call this? Is there any name for that? How do we fully utilize the best sector. Eg. if my "health" sector is in the north, how do I make the best out of it?
    2. I understand that decorating with dried flowers are no good for feng shui. Is this true?
    3. Is it good for feng shui if we put our shoes at the doorway entrance?
    4. Is is good to hang lots of floral pictures in the house?
    5. Is is good for feng shui if we burnt scented candles in the house. I understand that Chinese relate candles to the dead or for prayer only.
    6. If my husband's career sector is in the south of the house, how do I boost up his career path by utilizing this sector?
    Thank you for your attention.
  11. Hi Cecil,
    I understand that mirror can only place in dinning room, living room and toilets. I have an empty wall at the dining room which I would like to place a mirror on. However, if I place the mirror there, the mirror will not reflect the food on the table (the wall does not face the dinning table), but it will face the entrance to the kitchen. Can I still place the mirror on that wall?

  12. Dear Cecil,


    I came across your web site and would like to seek your advise on the
    following issues:
    1. Due to space constrain, I have put my fridge opposite my stove. I understand that stove and fridge should not be side by side or even on
    opposite side. Since currently my fridge is opposite my stove, is there anyway to "counter fight" the feng shui? I understand that if my stove is place in the "fire" element, it is alright to have the fridge opposite the stove. But what if my stove is not in the "fire" element?
    What should I do?
    2. I have a hexagon marble coffee table (shape of a "b ba kua") which I put beside my 2.5 seater sofa. Is this auspicious?
    3. My master bed is directly under a beam. When I am in the lying down position, the beam just cut nicely on my head. I have a low ceiling and can't construct a false ceiling to hide the beam. What should I do. What is the consequences if I were to sleep under a beam? Where can I purchase the bamboo flutes and how do I hang them, where - exact location? I am staying in Singapore.
    Thank you so much.
    Carina Tien
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