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Posts posted by myfs_121552

  1. With so many companies going through mergers and layoffs, what are some feng shui tips that we can use to protect us in keeping our jobs and stability within the company?

    My Kua number is 8 and currently I have my desk facing west which is a good direction for me. However, in reading so many articles, there is nothing about Mergers and layoffs and how we can protect ourselves.

    Please advise.

    Thank You

  2. Very Happy Hi! I just bought a home with a U Shape. I realized that a U shape layout is not the best layout however, the missing corner is in the back of the house. One thing that I really like is that there are three rooms leading out to this empty space which I plan to use as a patio setting to entertain guest. The missing corner is in the North.

    All the books that I have read advises that the missing corner in the U shape layout is extremely bad luck. And since this is in the North I am afraid that my career might suffer. However the examples that these books give is always showing the missing corner as the front part of the property. My question is does it matter where the missing corner is in a U shape layout? (front or back of the property?)

    Your advises would be greatly appreciated and I look forward to receiving your response.

    Thank you!

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