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Posts posted by myfs_109783

  1. HI Cecil,
    I took over some of my late fathe's stuff such as the piano, guitar, massage chair and metal cabinet. Is it okay to re-use them or should I discard of them. Also, my late father's funeral photo is still in my cabinet. is it ok to keep it?

  2. Hi Master Lee,

    I am thinking of moving my family to stay at my ex-father's apt. It has been vacant since his death last year. No point leaving it vacant. He died while on a cruise and not at home. Also, where can I keep his wake's photographif I do not display it.Pls advise.

    Many thanks!

  3. Hi Cecil,

    My father was recently cremated at Mandai and I would like to know what factors to look out for when choosing a good niche over there. Also his ashes will be stored there in 2 weeks time. Pls let me know a good date and time around the last week of this month for putting his ashes in the niche.

    Much appreciated!!!

  4. Hi Cecil,

    Pls let me know the procedure if we wish to stop praying and move away the idols at our home. Is it true that ifI wish to pray, the idols should be invited by me and not by my mother? The present idols are invitedby my mother and they have since stayed with me since my mother moved house.



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