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Posts posted by myfs_126256

  1. hello cecil, this is an addendum/correction to my message "aquarium in the home". placement for my aquarium is southwest portion of my home w/c happens to be my living room also. is Having an aquarium being a weak water element on my bazi reading or fire on my gua element not bad ? am confused w/c element one has to follow. thanks in advance and more power to you. ck

  2. hello cecil, i need enlightenment about aquariums pls. my birth element is weak water while my gua element is fire on my bazi reading, is it alright for me to have an aquarium? i need your help pls.my gua number is 9 and i have right now 8 gold and 1 black goldfishes...south part of the home.i need clarification pls if i have to go by my gua element(fire) or birth element(weak water). thank you again so much for your advices.

  3. hello cecil, am just wondering if what is the auspicious number of fishes to be placed in an aquarium? I have read books saying 9 is the lucky number for gold fishes but recently have read that the number of fishes to be in an aquarium depends on one's gua number.need enlightenment pls and am very greatful for all your responses and help to all who needed your advice. again, thank you so much and good luck!

  4. hello cecil,
    foremost, how are you. hope everything is fine. i am just wondering if what areas is good for an aquarium to be placed at home... have read east , southeast and southwest but recently read on the computer: east southeast and north. pls shed me some light on this matter. thanks a million.....constance

  5. hello, i was told that an aquarium can not just be located in any area of a home. i would gladly appreciate if you can tell me as to the best place for my aquarium to be situated (2007).i am a weak wate element, my door is situated in the south. thanks a million for all the help through the informations you have extended us.

  6. hello cecil, am wondering as weak water does it matter if i should wear yellow gold or white gold or rose gold as long as it is metal? also, would it be okey to have a red door ( as main door) on any of my 4 good directions? thanks

  7. hi, on my luck pillar analysis/summary, as weak water (east), i should stay in a house facing direction for metal to further improve my luck...and avoid nw & ne as house facing direction as it will further reduce my luck. but nw, ne west and sw are the 4 good directions for metal. also, if i use house facing direction for metal, does it mean i should use all 4 good directions (west)for metal instead? thanks

  8. hi, i would like to know if my home address w/c is 245 an auspicious number? had the roof change in 2003 and color brick. also how auspicious is 14415, 1141 0r 2121 to built on for my retirement residence. thanks so much for your site and shall will bear you in mind in the future for consultation when am ready to have a house built within 4-5 years ...female, b-date 10/30/49 time 11:00 to 12:59 thanks a million
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