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Posts posted by ayn

  1. Hello again after a long time away...! I am considering purchasing a home that has good feng shui in many areas. The problem is that the dui house has an entrance in the worst area for the house (east), also bad for my two children (Kun), but excellent for myself and spouse- zhen/xun. Do I move the door??? there appears to be no good overall solution, yet the house is well protected to it's back, supported on the sides, and all bedrooms would be in excellent sectors. Please advise, and thanks in advance! Niki

  2. Hi- I discovered via Feng shui site that our front door is located in my husbands death sector. Ideally, I would move the door, but this is impossible. Are there any "cures" that would reduce the impact? He is an earth person born in a metal year, I am an earth person born in a water year. The door is in the due western sector. I would send a file if I could figure out how to do that! Thank you so much for your advice.

  3. The front of my home (facing street and structurally) is SE. However, my front door is in the West position (irritability). What is the "back" of my house? There is a large body of water to the NW and N. Is this inauspicious and is there an effective cure if it is? It is possible that the architecture may soon change the "front" to incorporate the door on the West/ SW side of the home. Thank you in advance for feedback, Nik.

  4. My future kitchen will have two entrances, one to the NW (family room), one to the SE (study/guest). The stove will be in an island facing SW. I lose a beautiful view to the NW if I build a wall to prevent stove from being in the doorway. Which is worse? A stove in a doorway/connection to family room, or the loss of a water view to the NW?? Thanks for assistance
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