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Posts posted by myfs_133119

  1. Hi,

    I have a question about moving house. Me & my husband we both have a Kua no 2 and we are belong to western group. the current house we are in is sitting east and facing west and since we moved into this house things went wrong and it seems we are in a constant challange with life.

    we found a house which is facing SE2(140) and sitting northwest and I found out is a western house. I was wondering if this house is suitable for us to move into.

    the house no is 4 and one of my friend suggested 4 in feng shui means death.

    I would appreciate your kind advice.



  2. Hi,

    I was wondering if you can clarify this for me. I have read on a few websites that we need to sit the way our back is facing our best direction to get a support to improve but some feng shui masters have recommended that to sit facing our best direction.

    I am very confused as which of these information are accurate.

    I would appreciate your kind advice.



  3. Hi,

    I started a newbusiness in early 2006 and things was quite good tillwe moved to ahouse at western side. My office is located in south side of this house. me & my husband are both western groups peopleand the front door of the house is facing west too.

    Since we moved inot this house my business start having problems and no matter what we do to make it work everything start falling apart again.

    I have applied feng shui to this house and put mydesk facing northeast and Inoticed a slight change but still things not moving ahead.

    The house was built in period 7 and my husband is strong fire. I was wondering if some one can advise me if there is something need to be done to this house.

    I read alots of stuff about flyingstar but still so confused as how to relate them to my house and my housband.



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