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Posts posted by myfs_134665

  1. How can i improve this home ?

    Thisis a bit of ashoebox house, apparentlyfirst built in 1951.

    Frommy simple study of Feng Shui it would seem this house is attrocious in many aspects of layout , but it is very very cheap rent , rent prices in sydney are over the moon at this time , andlast time i looked i wasnta millionaire

    The room which is large enough to be a bedroom is in the north west corner , the front and back doors are in a straight line , so i put potted plants and small statueshalfway through the hallway to gather some Qi, i dont use the front door much , except on sunny afternoons, i currently have my office desk positioned with my back to the door , looks like i need tomove the desk close to a window where i can also see the doorway better...... , i could move the bed so the bedhead facing west if that is healthier , but there is a window on the west wall and the north wall , they are both a few inches above the mattress height.

    i have been in this house 18 years , my relationships have been somewhat in the toilet area , i had alot of health problems for many years which are mostly gone through doing yoga , meditation and self cultivation .

    I have a water feature just inside the front door , i am thinking of putting a buddha water feature on the front patio next to the front door if this will help bring calming and protection to the home.

    I dont sleep very well , some money comes to me but doesnt stay with me .

    i know the easy thing would be to move to a new home , but i didnt win the lottery yet and despite hard work i dont have much money.

    ( you might look at the drawing attached of the house and say....' no surprise ' )



    dob 20.05.1964

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