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Posts posted by myfs_138152

  1. hi sir

    is reflective glass consider a mirror?

    i have placed the reflective glass beside my main door & it reflects images & windows in the living room.

    Is this consider bad fengshui? Do i have to remove it?

  2. Hi

    What is the correctdistance should weplace the divider at the foyer area / Front door to prevent chi from going from front door to direct window? Some mentioned it is not advisable to block the main door?

    Is ita issueto have a feature wall over at the dining table & bed frame area?

    is ok to have full height partition to the ceiling?


  3. hi

    is it bad fengshui to have false ceiling if there are no beams to hide?esp atdining & foyer area?

    i read ur article about Common Guidelines on the installation of a partition "Avoid placing shoes in the partition cabinet" what is the implication? How can oneimprove the fengshui if it isalready done in this way?

  4. Hi sir,

    I have a few fengshui questions concerning my new flat

    1)How can i place my stove, microwave, sink & washing machine & fridge?

    2) Is it true that one shld avoid placing the fridgenear the entrance of the kitchen? e.g once you enter the kitchen you will see the fridge

    2) Is ittrue that one shld avoid placing the stove below a sewarage pipe?

    3) Which area is the heart/centre of my flat?

    3) One of the bedroom door is directly facing the common bathroom door, What should i do?

    4) If partial of my bed in the master room is facing the door & window, is it ok?

    Pls advise, thanks

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