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Posts posted by myfs_139118

  1. Hi Master Lee,

    remember reading in one of the forum topic about moving the kuan yin to new house.
    my father in law was temporary staying with us for 9months and now moved to his new flat few weeks ago.
    they have chosen last fri(10/4) to be the day to move kuan yin and ancestor to his new flat.
    as there will be a master performing ritual at the new site.we were being asked to pray to god in the morning at our place and tell them we are moving them over to new place.
    we do not know how to go about doing it and did not mention the new address.we were only told to place all in boxes with the joss stick still burning and carry it over to the new place.

    There after i was having on and off fever for 2days and only get better on the 3rd day with slight feverish. I did not eat anything wrong and today(16/4) my husband seems to be running fever too.

    i am kind of worried if we have done something wrong in the moving that has provoke kuan yin and the ancestor.

    Pls advise.

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