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Posts posted by myfs_145886

  1. Ive been studying Feng Shui books
    for awhile now, and have figured out the directions, etc, for my apartment, BUT
    when I look at examples of how to layout the Flying Star grid there is an
    inconsistency: some indicate the Flying Star energies affect the entire
    quadrant while others extend or contract the quadrant according to room layout.
    So, for example, in my apartment below, does the North direction and Flying
    Star 6/6/2 cover the whole of the northern quadrant and therefore include
    sections of my bathroom, master bedroom and my guest bedroom OR is it confined
    to the bathroom, with the NW 1/2/7 extending throughout the guest bedroom and
    the NE 8/4/9 extending throughout the whole of the master bedroom? Does the
    2/1/6 of my central quadrant cover the area I use for my office, or is it
    confined to the hallway, with the eastern 4/8/4 extending into my office

    Any help greatly appreciated.


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