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Posts posted by myfs_154695

  1. Quote
    On 4/13/2012 12:44:32 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    i need advice from geomancer
    expert. I am from the
    traditional chinese character
    generation but recent years
    chinese characters has been
    change to simplify chinese. So
    now I have been puzzling, in
    my time the fengshui name were
    calculated using traditional
    chinese character number of
    strokes. With simplify
    chinese, the charaters has
    reduced the number of charater
    strokes. So would this impact
    our fengshui name? Should we
    re-evaluate again our Chinese
    name based on the new simplify
    key stroke? using bazi 5
    element calculation, will the
    name in simplify or
    traditional be affect? So does
    fengshui name follows
    traditional or simplify word?
    lets say myname in IC is simplify chinese, does my feng shui follow traditional or simplify when counting stroke in 5xing, 5 element calculation?
  2. I need advice from Geomancer expert.

    I am from the traditional Chinese character generation but recent years Chinese characters has been change to simplified Chinese.

    So now I have been puzzling, in my time the Feng Shui name were calculated using traditional Chinese character number of strokes.

    With simplified Chinese, the characters has reduced the number of character strokes.

    So would this impact our Chinese name?

    Should we re-evaluate again our Chinese name based on the new simplified key stroke?

    Using bazi 5 element calculation, will the name in simplified or traditional be affect?

    So does our Chinese name follow traditional strokes or simplified strokes?

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