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Posts posted by Sevenstars61

  1. Hello I am new to the forum and look forward to learning.

    I live in a house that is built into the side of a hill. The West and North sides are somewhat blocked energetically due to this, and the house receives limited sunlight.  The main window is in the living room, it has one sliding glass door which is south facing.  I have many houseplants as they improve the energy in the home, and I place them at the south facing window in the living room for the winter as this is the ONLY window which receives enough light to keep them alive.  

    Unfortunately, having the plants in front of the window blocks the flow of energy in the room and in the house as well, since the plants are all stacked in front of it.

    Help!!!   We cannot sell or move until 2018 and the blocked energy in the home is very difficult to take.  Numerologically the house is also a 4, which compounds the issue.

    Any advice will be greatly appreciated!


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