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Posts posted by jyonghy@yahoo.com

  1. Dear Cecil
    Thanks for your explanation about accounting & finance job, the complexities etc.
    Therefore, what are the elements of these : Auditor, Tax man, Recruitment Consultant.
    Thank you & regards

  2. Dear Cecil
    I need your guidance with the concept of location & direction, esp with front door.
    Suppose a house#1 which faces north shares a main door(A) with another house#2, this main door(A) faces north too. After entering (A), you need to enter another door(B) into house#1, door(B) faces west. From the center of house#1, both doors (A) & (B) are in the NW sector/location of house#1.
    Therefore, which is which when analyzing main entrance in relation to the house?? Does the house facing changes with the door?
    Thank you.

  3. Dear Cecil
    In Flying Star Theory, how do the 3 factors -Earth, Facing & Year work with one another and result in various flying star combinations? For short term/immediate impact, which factor takes precedence and vice versa?
    As for the flying stars - Mountain & Water, and the base number, which one has the biggest impact on the short term?
    Your guidance is greatly appreciated.

  4. Dear Cecil
    According to Flying Star, the NE sector of my room/house is inauspicious signifying loss, legal & problems. So I have a big wardrobe placed in the NE, would it suppress the bad luck of this location?
    On the other hand, according to the 8 House, NE is one of my good sector. Now that Flying Star says it is bad and a wardrobe is put there, does that mean I now have 3 good sectors and 5 bad sectors?
    Thank you.

  5. Dear Cecil
    I thoroughly enjoy your comprehensive site which is the best I've seen so far! However I couldn't find relevant answers to my problems below, would appreciate very much if you can clear my doubts.
    Situation :
    This 6th period house front face north, my room is in the SE sector(90% of the room area) of the house. The 2 main doors are in the SW sector(measured from center), 1 face west, the other face north. My room door is in the NW sector(measured from center of room), which opens up & face a full length, narrow wall. From my room door, you turn left into a shared toilet; turn right to other parts of the house like kitchen etc.
    I have to keep the toilet door open otherwise the area is very dark.
    Problems :
    1. SW is my good direction but my desk can only face south at the window & my bed can only be placed in a corner on the west wall. How can I improve my luck?
    2. Can I put a open-mouth tiger picture on my door facing outside & a windchime on the opposite narrow wall?
    Thank you very much for your time & attention.
    Josephine Yong:)
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