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Posts posted by KST

  1. Dear Master Lee,

    Thanks so much for the detailed explanation! Appreciate it! Looks like not much choices left for 2-bedroom units except maybe stack 29. Even the smaller 3-bedroom units in block one are also limited in the selection of units - Stack 11, 12, 2 and 3. Stack 11 & 12 are near the BBQ area (unless they use the modern smokeless BBQ grill) and Stack 11 likely to have the kitchen in the NW. Stack 2's bedroom may be located in a unfavourable location for a west group resident (N or NE). I'm still trying to ascertain the actual north reading as when I took an actual site, it seems to be slightly different from the north shown on the sales brochure. The north seems to be tiled more towards the right. But I may be wrong as I took the reading from outside the construction site and uses a mobile phone. 

  2. Hi Master Lee, seems that most of the units, have missing sectors especially for the 2 bedroom and 2+1 units. If to decide which sector to forgo, which would have the least impact? If the favourable sector is in the SW, is it ok to have the kitchen also located in the southwest sector given that the door and the kitchen are together in the same sector? I noticed that there are 2 roads leading out to the Serangoon North Ave 1 which are roads leading into the carparks of the flats opposite the condo site, is this considered as poison arrows to Blk 3? Appreciate if you could enlighten me on this. Thanks!


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