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Posts posted by ZenderChai

  1. Dear Mr. Cecil Lee,

    Recently, I have been researching on Feng Shui tips to set the fundamentals for my renovation design of my new property in Johor.

    However, there are some contradictions I faced, and I would hope you could offer your professional opinions.

    1) Celestial Animals (Phoenix in front of house; Black Turtle at the back; Green Dragon on the left, and White Tiger on the Right)

    In particular, Green Dragon vs. White Tiger: I read that it is best to keep (Green Dragon) left side more active than the right, and the main gate is best to be located on the right side. However, for semi detached, the design is usually mirror image, and my unit happened to be the one where the main gate is on the right side. How should I improve such constrains? Nevertheless, it means I can grow plants higher on the left side instead. So is a pros and cons. Please advise.

    2) Directions and Elements

    To promote the growth of the various aspects, the elements in the respective directions need to be considered. Example: Career in the North (Water); Health in the East (Wood); Wealth in the South East (Wood). From what I research, we should put more items of the said elements in the respective directions to simulate the growth. However, Say if my element is water, and my bedroom happen to be on the east or south-east, wouldn't putting more wood element items being destructive to my chi?

    Furthermore, to promote the growth of chi in such area, it is better to put more wood element items in the east and south east, or water and wood element items with minimum fire element items in the east and south east, as the latter also factor into the constructive and destructive relationship among the elements.

    3) Lastly, does Feng Shui considerations change with the purpose of the use of such property. For example: investment purpose, retirement purpose, etc.?

    Thank you for your time and professional inputs.


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