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Posts posted by casamore

  1. Dear Cecil,
    I just did a reading on a friend's house 256 degrees Keng facing,Period 6. It is a Wang Shang Wang Shui house.
    (It had major renovation in 1991, they did replace tiles on roof but did not take actual roof off) Will this affect the period of construction?
    Also, this house being initially a Wang Shang Wang Shui house, with a pool in the back, constructed in 1977, offset the energy of this house? The histories of different people living in this house shows financial difficulties, legal and marriage problems...This friend is recently separated w/ 3 kids trying to make it on her own...
    What are your thoughts on this house?
    Thanking you in advance and wishing you the very best New Year,
    Mimi Casavantes

  2. Dear Cecil:
    How can I find auspicious dates for important occasions such as marriage?
    I would really appreciate this information on what would be a good date for marriage for year 2002, ( around November).
    Tatiana Casavantes 5-4-76 born @ 10:20 PM
    Kurt Ambrosius 5-6-73 born @ 1:00 PM
    Thanking you in advance.
    Mimi Casavantes

  3. I am looking for your kind advice. I have studied many books on Xuan Kong and traditional Feng Shui and still can't figure the answer out.We live in a house 210 degrees facing built in 1989. I just recently moved an aquarium from the NW (livingroom) 8-3-2 (Earth ,Water, Mtn respectively,to the N sector with a 3-8-6
    combination. The aquarium is now 60 gal., to house an arrowana, who needed the space.The size of the aquarium and limited space in the livingroom made me move the aquarium.
    Since the move about a month ago, I have noticed a change in our business for the worst.We are self employed in the construction business and husband is Birth Star is an 8 and mine is a 4. Could this have affected this sector? Is the water element producing the malevolent 3 Earth Star? What takes precedence, the fact that it is the North sector and water is it's element or the cycle of the flying stars? I had previously placed a red night light bulb for fire element to break the domination of the 3, and activate the 8 facing .Should I move this aquarium to the SE where I have 6-5-9 combination to activate for business? Looking forwrd to your response.
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