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Posts posted by iris

  1. Hi,
    I need to know if the bagua directions are appropriate for the southern hemisphere or if some adjustments should be made. For example, in the northern hemisphere, the south side of the home is the hottest one, thus is appropriate for the FIRE direction. Here in the southern hemisphere, the opposite is true, with the north being the hot side of the home and the south being cool and shady.
    This being the case, would it be appropriate to reverse the directions? Are there any 'rules' which would apply? Should the areas be switched around? ie wealth to the nw rather than the se? All this is terribly confusing!
    I have only one book which makes any reference to this (Feng Shui for Australians) in which the author, Gerry Heaton, suggests using the direction of the front door as a starting point, ignoring the compass completely, and relying on intuition from there on! Not very helpful as the compass is an integral part of Feng Shui.
    I really hope to get some informed advise on this, as I would hate to go to all the trouble of applying FS to my home only to find later that I'd done it all backwards!

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