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Posts posted by KS

  1. Dear Cecil, Robert,
    I have read conflicting information from different feng shui books:
    One says that we should sit with our backs towards our good directions (as determined by our kua numbers), because it is good to be "supported".
    Another says that we should sit facing our good directions to benefit from the sheng qi.
    What is your opinion on this matter?
    Warmest regards,

  2. Hi. Thank you for this wonderful forum.
    I have just finished reading some books, and so far, I have determined that my PakuaLoshu number is 9 because I was born in 1973, so my auspicious directions are N, E, SE and S. Is this correct?
    Also, I understand that N is the career corner. Is this correct?
    Recently, I signed a lease to rent a studio apartment. It is not very large -- about 500 sq feet, but has a kitchen section (W), shower/toilet (straddles NW/N), dressing area w/ built-in closets (N).
    Firstly, can the 8 House theory be applied to such a small space?
    If so, what can I do about my toilet? It is exactly in my Northern sector. I am afraid that it will flush away my career luck. I am very anxious because I am starting a new job.
    Using 4 Pillars, I have determined that I am of the Earth element (birth date Nov 19, 1973), but the main door of my studio faces SE, which is Wood. What can I do about this? The main door is located in the South sector (even though it faces SE)
    Last question: Does the Flying Star Theory take precedence over 4 Pillars and PakuaLoshu?
    Thanks again for your time.
    Keat Siang

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