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Posts posted by user283850

  1. Dear robert,
    I was wondering if a persons character can be
    judged from pillar of destiny. Whether a
    person will grow up to be a good and kind person or if he or she would be of bad character. Can we tell from a pillar of destiny if a person will make a good husband
    or will be unfaithful spouse etc.
    And how do we find out. Is there a deity to
    tell this sort of information like there is for wealth. Thanks.

  2. Dear cecil and robert,
    I have met so many families who own python,
    spiders, lizard and snakes as pets and their
    young children keep them in their bedrooms
    and sleep with the tanks containing these
    reptiles in their rooms. Besides being dangerous from safety point of view. Is it good or bad feng shui. Thanks.

  3. Any views on this will be appreciated.
    I recently attended a conference on feng shui in my city. There they talked about form
    school feng shui. They also talked about
    the water lines. Is it necessary for me to
    get my home dowsed for water lines to have good feng shui.

  4. Dear cecil and robert,
    Now a days they are building circular shape
    buildings in some cities since they are stronger than other buildings to withstand the powerful hurricanes. From feng shui point of are circular shape buildings good or bad.

  5. Dear cecil and robert,
    Recently, I read in the magazine that a
    famous developer tore down a building in front of his developing complex to turn it into a public park. I understand the logic
    behind it that it was done to create a bright
    hall. But he also installed a huge metal
    globe (steel) at the traffic junction. What is the logic behind it. Can you please explain.

  6. Dear cecil and robert,
    Can you explain the story behind Kitchen God.
    Why his altar is kept in kitchen since altars
    are supposed to be kept at clean and scared place and kitchen is a place where cooking
    and cleaning of pots and pans takes place.

  7. Dear robert,
    I read on your site about a guy who bought a
    house in 1994 and had a divorce and then
    later on married again and is still separated
    from his wife etc. My question is if this
    man would have done the the flying star
    audit after he bought the house and would
    have applied the cure. These tragic events
    would have been prevented. Or it was bound to happen according to his destiny. Please

  8. Dear cecil,
    You said that the 5 rod metal wind chime is
    bad. What about the other kind-
    1. 3 rod bamboo wind chime
    2. 4 rod bamboo wind chime
    3. 2 rod crystal wind chime
    4 9 rod crystal wind chime
    5. Wind chime made of sea shell
    6 3 rod clover leaf terra cotta wind chime.
    7 12 rod solid metal wind chime.
    So the solid wind chime are good. But why?
    Can you please explain. Thanks.

  9. dear robert and cecil,
    Why everything in the feng shui revolves around the main door of the house and office.
    Why is it important that nothing bad should be facing the bedroom door. And why these doors are given more importance compared to
    other doors of the house. Please comment.

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