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Posts posted by Kewpie

  1. It is acceptable even though the door leads to a hallway to the bathroom door right across the hall? And with windows opposite of the door in the bedroom? Would the bed feel like the centre of attention placed in the diagram? Thanks.

  2. Is it okay to place the bed behind the door like the diagram given it is backed by the wall? I ask this because there are double windows opposite the door wall and thinking of placing my desk on the opposite of the bed. What do you think? My other choice is placing the bed on the same wall as the door with the headboard against the wall of course, and my desk where the bed is in the diagram. Right now my bed is against the wall opposite of the wall that it is placed in the diagram. Hope I didn't confuse you.
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  3. Our address is 341 and falls under period 6. It's a pretty old house. The interpretation I got from the report is troubled mother. What is the explanation for this and what can I do about it? Is it the period that was bad or the address or the combination of both because all the houses in my area are built around the same time. Thanks!

  4. I have a dilemma question! Which should I give more attention to in my bedroom? I am a student, so do I give priority to my desk or my bed? Right now, when the door opens you can see my bed on the left. It is against the wall with my head pointing in one of my good positions. But I feel it might be centred around my bed. My kua is 4, my bedroom is in the west with 2 west windows. The door is in the east. The bed is placed in the south and I'm thinking of putting my desk facing the Northwall. What do you think? My other plan was to place my desk where my bed is so when you go in, you can see the desk on the left and bed on the right, with head pointing either west wall or north wall. Thanks!

  5. I'll soon be moving to a place with the address 954 at unit 4. It is a townhouse. It is ready in August 2000. Is there a particular date to move in that would be favourable? and is there any rituals or the like that should be done when moving into a new home? It will just be my Mom, sister and I living in there. Our birthdates are 12/21/50, 04/07/80 and 05/02/82. It is our first time moving for a new start. Thanks.

  6. Can you comment on townhouses(row houses) ? Would they be lacking directions because they are attached together. A friend of mine is planning on buying one of those but it is the house on the end. I think those are better than the ones inside. Thanks.

    On 4/12/00 10:25:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    Dear Kewpie,
    For an `overall' good house:-
    1. Environmental Scanning i.e.
    the landscape;particulary -
    the site and the home is very
    More than half the battle is
    `won' if a house has excellent
    Shapes and Form.
    2. Having excellent Shapes and
    form could also be
    supplemented by `protecting'
    areas of vunerability:
    2.1 The main door.
    This is considered the mouth
    of the house. One should
    protect it `at all costs'. If
    a poison arrow is aimed at the
    main entrance door, do not sit
    around for it to be left
    unprotected. Try to `protect'
    There are several examples of
    `how-to' that can be found on
    this site.
    2.2 The windows.
    It is equally important for
    the windows to be protected
    from poison arrows especially,
    single lamp posts or again a
    sharp corner of a neighbours
    home etc...
    3. Where possible, the house
    should have good frontage
    (like the bird flying freely
    in front). And the back, with
    a solid protection e.g. a hill
    or man made wall.
    4. The house should preferably
    do not have missing corners.
    5. Internal of the house, do
    take note of Qi not flowing
    directly from the main door
    out to the back in a straight
    Internally, where possible one
    side of the toilet wall should
    occupy an external wall. Here,
    there is no chance for it to
    be located at the centre of
    the house.
    Avoid having the toilet above
    the main door or at the side
    of the house.
    The numberous examples on
    Shapes and Form can go on and
    6. Generally, as a guide, even
    if the house has EXCELLENT
    Feng Shui, one should look at
    the Eight House Theory to see
    how suitable this `EXCELLENT'
    house is for each of us.
    An `EXCELLENT' house can be
    great or suitable for some
    persons but may not be
    suitable for others.
    For example, if the death or
    disaster intangible force is
    at the main entrance and the
    bedroom is equally in a bad
    sector, even if it is an
    EXCELLENT house, it does not
    necessary mean it will be
    great for this occupant.
    However, it is better this way
    than to have a `bad' house
    plus incompatible house.
    7. Next, use the Flying Star
    to check for imbalances at
    various sectors of the house
    and if necessary neutralise
    If water or mountain star is
    found, one can also activate
    it to enhance the house.
    8. Pillars of Destiny, e.g.
    element strength is used to
    fine tune the analysis and to
    determine if water positions
    can be used.
    For example, it is not
    advisable for a weak fire or
    strong fire person to have
    water positions in the house.
    Please see below:-

    On 4/12/00 7:04:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
    I have a question about the
    auspicious direction for the
    house. Which is to be
    considered more important or
    focused on? To have your
    house facing one of your four
    auspicious directions or to
    have the entrance door facing
    the auspicious direction or
    both. Eg. my house is facing
    W and our entrance door is on
    the side facing S where S is
    one of the auspicious
    direction for the breadwinner.
    I need you to clarify that.

    It would be more important to have the
    main entrance face an auspicious
    direction for the breadwinner.
    If the breadwinner and the spouse earn
    the same level of pay, we still usually
    consider the breadwinner (first).
    However, it would indeed be a plus point
    to have the spouse have the main
    entrance face an auspicious direction.
    (It would be `nice to have').
    >Also, would you consider my
    house a fire element? It is
    just about all red(barn yard
    red) angled roof with entrance
    facing S. I've read somewhere
    that this can contribute to
    quarrels and discord in the
    house. Is this true? Thanks.
    Yes, Red is the most Yang of all the
    Yang colours.
    In general, if we talk about this type
    of barn with the door facing South, we
    can classify it as a Fire element house.
    However, if the elements in the house
    are properly balanced, quarrels can be
    neutralised. Flying Star theory would be
    useful here to locate imbalances and
    neutralise the sectors.
    Particular attention, thus should be
    spent analysing the South sector. But,
    this should not be too much a worry.
    Warmest Regards,

  7. So...no tree planting in the W? or don't plant a lone tree in the W? I am thinking along the lines of a plum tree or something to capture the sunshine in front of the house/to give some shade from the glare of the setting sun. Also, to raise the value of the property. Anyways, thanks for the insight and I think I'm gonna go ahead and plant it.

  8. Hi. I'm planning on planting a fruit/flower tree in front of our yard but not sure if I should do so. From what I've learned. The dragon is on the right of the house(looking out from the house) and the tiger is on the left? Is it a good idea to plant a tree on the right side of the yard to activate a green dragon? and what will it do if it is activated? Any suggestions to this? Any kind of tree is ok? Planted anywhere? 1 tree? 2 tree? or 3? etc. It will be planted in the W. Please advise.

  9. I have a question about the auspicious direction for the house. Which is to be considered more important or focused on? To have your house facing one of your four auspicious directions or to have the entrance door facing the auspicious direction or both. Eg. my house is facing W and our entrance door is on the side facing S where S is one of the auspicious direction for the breadwinner. I need you to clarify that. Also, would you consider my house a fire element? It is just about all red(barn yard red) angled roof with entrance facing S. I've read somewhere that this can contribute to quarrels and discord in the house. Is this true? Thanks.
  10. Hello! I'd just like to say that I've read somewhere that you can try placing a red ribbon in front of your entrance to make the house stand out to potential buyers. The symbolic of the red ribbon would be like wrapping your house up like a present to give away. I have not heard of anyone who has tried it but it is worth a shot I guess. It is also used for Christmas holidays in N.A.

  11. I've read many articles about placing windchimes as I have a 5 rodded metal one myself placed in front of my entrance outside. In some other sites, they advise to place metal windchimes at the North and Northwest this coming chinese year. There are also views against placing windchimes in the indoors as they attract 'spirits' ?? What are your thoughts of placing them inside the house?

  12. My sister's bedroom and mine is on the 2nd floor. My bedroom door faces the bathroom door and between it is a hall with the kitchen and my sister's bedroom. It is kind of like a triangle of doors where my sister's is in between with her door facing in the triangle and my door and the washroom's facing each other. On the main floor where the living room is, there are 3 doors that can be opened from the living room that also forms a triangle sort of. There are 2 doors on one side of the wall and one door on the opposite side. The single door on that wall is not facing any of the other 2 doors directly. Hope this will help. Thanks !

  13. Hello Robert and Cecil,
    Happy New Year and keep up the good work! My beef is my sister and I don't see eye to eye with each other. Whenever I go home and see her we almost always end up not talking to each other and going our separate ways. At times I can't even control my temper and just know that a dispute is just waiting to set off. We both get at each other's backs. I just feel that it can be prevented or stopped some way. I'm afraid its not going to stop. My Mom is concentrated on work and neglects the things that go on at home. Each of us just does our own thing and goes our separate ways. Any thoughts on this?

  14. To add more to complication my house shakes when a large truck drives by. My place is so bad the walls end up with small cracks needing to be fixed. The pavement is also cracked due to the extreme weather. (N.A.) I often think the best solution is just to sell the house but the houses in my area are hard to sell. My bedroom door faces the bathroom door.

  15. I've read in Lillian Too's Essential FS that to place a crystal on the desk and sit in the NE corner of the room to enhance the study luck. Will this be better?

    On 12/8/99 9:46:27 AM, Anonymous wrote:
    Does the size of the conical object
    For instance, my kua is 4 and my
    study desk is facing East. Is any
    conical item, large or small acceptable
    on the far right hand corner of the
    desk? Eg. a scented oil flask, paper
    weight, candle, paper folding etc.
    12/31/98 12:58:06 AM, Ng Sharron
    IS NOT

  16. Dear Cecil,
    What are the affects of having the washer and dryer in the bedroom? I've rented a room in the basement where the washer and dryer is placed. The room itself is warm and cozy with adequate lighting. We work a schedule where my room mates does the laundry when I am away.

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