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Posts posted by GT2

  1. Hi, I think I am in a deep & major mix up here !!!..now, lets see..,
    what I've got here,
    but first my info:
    My husband (breadwinner) date of birth: 15-January-1955 at 7pm(horse)
    and mine is :10-May-1961-9pm(ox),
    our current house front door faces South, back door facing North.
    Based on yr (8birth) & (8type) in locating for the most suitable house
    directions are as follows:
    [15.1.55] date of birth fr 03feb1954 to 23Jan1955; male: NORTH house
    [10.5.61] date of birth fr 15feb1961 to 04feb1962; female: East house,
    of which yr 8house report reveals my husband's 8h chart as: Kan - NORTH
    house, among others & mine is Chen- East house. (since the report did
    not mention the elements, I believe that we belongs to the elements
    Water and wood, respectively, based on the 8Trigrams, am I right?)
    Okay, now lets see the section on Pillars of Destiny, here, the
    explanation notes says that my husband's birth element is FIRE and mine
    is WATER (oops! ... . fire and water! may be too much of me will kill
    him!? ..'oh, no,.which also means we need to be with other compatible
    elements around to keep our relationship going!!! sadly, the Pillar
    Comparison Reports agreed to our incompatibility. well, I really hope
    not, like my husband said, let nature takes its course and he, for one
    had never take FengShui seriously,.. he believes in nature! say how/what
    you like, he still believes-'nature'.
    But I am most comfortable and very happy with your free software of
    'Self Evaluation Feng Shui Tools - (the results are the same with the
    reading from other sources ...)
    that is: my husband= Li-kua9-South house & Me= Chen- kua2-East house
    (again,no mentions of elements, 8Trigrams-my guess would be: south house
    element= fire and east=wood?)
    Considering the above elements (fire~wood), they seems to have resemble
    of our characters & resulting productively in many ways. am I making
    sense here? ! I'm really lost.
    Okay, seriously, what I would like to know here are how to find out the
    most suitable house directions / facing base on the breadwinners' birth
    date plus what / which element should I use for superimpose and so
    forth. We are in the process of moving into another house. I really
    hope you can assist me, and thanks.
    Gina Paula T

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