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Inauspicious house?

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Dear Cecil and Robert,
I have completed my Flying Star report. (Many thanks for helping sort out the problems.)
Background info: My main door faces west (270), but the best direction for my main door is north. The house was built in period 3. According to the report, my door falls in the Misfortune/Sickness sector. 20-Year Star element is 5 Earth. Mountain star = 8, Water star = 3.
My confusion is this: While the report indicates misfortune/sickness, the combination of Earth 8 and Wood 3 weakens the earth element, making this location more auspicious. Does this mean that misfortune/sickness is neutralized?
Can I or should I activate mountain star? If yes, do you have any recommendations what I might use? I am weak Fire, by the way.
Sorry if the questions seem repetitive. I'm trying very hard to make sense of this.
Thanks for your patience.
Glyn, I would welcome your input also!

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Hi Joe
The #8 mountain star is good to activate provided it fits into the criteria.
Good mountain stars and #'s 7, 8 and 9 and if these fall in your bedroom they are considered to enhance harmony and health in a house.
Ideally, good M/S should fall in an area where there is not much movement and can be activated by hanging a print or painting on the wall where the star falls or placing a solid object with mass e.g. display stone, paper weight.
Now, #8 and #3......wood destroys earth, so you would need fire to weaken the wood and in turn it would enhance the earth. As you are weak fire, enhancing with fire would be beneficial for you.

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If you re-read my reply to you Joe, you will see that I have mentioned how to activate the mountain stars.
The water or wealth stars are #7 for this current period, then # 8 and # 9.
Again, like the mountain they must fit certain criteria. Ideally, a Water star should be where there is activity - preferably in an entry, near a window. No good if the star is locked away in a bedroom or some quiet area.
Activating a water star depends on the other elements that go to make up the stars in the particular sector.Your own personal element and its strength or weakness must also be considered when activating stars.
Cecil or Robert will comment on the Report question you have.

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