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Edited by Robert: Sorry to learn about your situation, Tobe frank,Ireally do not yet have the time toreally go through yourpost and help you troubleshoot.I can give you some complimentary paid credit for you to see what might be wrong. If you are interested, e-mail me at support@geomancy.net with your member account & this post.

However,I must say that,with regards to any contract of work,best tohave it in black and white. Ifeel that it is always better sometimes to go for someone you do not know rather thanwith friends/kindship. As often, sometimespeople can misuse friendship/kinship. In such a situation, I really don't know how to help you also. Probably I can only say that take this as an expensivelesson. Always, get things in black and white (whether youa re dealing with friends or non-friends).

Dear Master,

I been supporting your wed for quite a long time and I still learning from here. I was faced a serious financial problem due to my new house renovation. My house was renovated by so called my husband's god-brother on cost price. From begining there no agreetment, no invoice and no receipt for the whole renovation. But suddenly, he was denied for the cash monies he received and he been issued a invoice that stated double of the cost we agreet in begining. He insist that we owe him thatamount and the cash we pay to him begining. I was quite loss as he threaten that he will send people up to my house and seek legal action against us. I do not know whether this incident was related to Ba Zhi as I born in 26.05.1978 on 6am and my husband born in 07.07.1974 on 10am or my house feng shui (attach layout). I understand that I should not post my personal issue here but I really loss and I need help. If you can help, I would be appreciate.

Once again,thank you.

home layout"home layout"
Home Layout(1).ppt(34KB)

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