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House entry & exit


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Hello to our experts and all those who use this web.

I'm new to this field so I apologize if I'm annoying in any way.

I've got a question about the front and the back door of our houses.

From what I know, the front and the back door of our houses cannot face each other.

Meaning that, if we open our front door, we cannot see our back door if we look straightly ahead.

The back door should be slightly to the left or to the right.

My problem is that I live in my grandmother's house.

After renovation, they made the front and back doors face each other.

And they are no more than 5 metres apart! ( My grandmothers house is a 'H' shape, the front & back doors are situated in the centre of the 'H' ).

What I've seen and experienced is, the dwellers of the house constantly have problems related to money (me included).

My uncle, who is the breadwinner now, is the most hardest hit.

First comes his car, then the washing machine, then the water & electricity bills shoot up, the mortgage, the list is endless.

He seems to struggle in paying up even though he has a senior post in the Government.

Now, I'm experiencing the same things too (I've just moved in a couple of months ago).

I seem to cannot hold on to my salary. There are always things coming up... my motorcycle, old creditors, my father, and now I've caught scabies ! ( the house is full of house mites).

I'm also doing a part-time business. What's annoying me is that most of the deals I want to negotiate just seem to cannot be 'closed'.

I have a list of near misses, even though some of them were, should I say, sitting ducks.

My question is :

i) Is it true that the said type of arrangement of exit / entry can affect your finances?

ii) If it's true, than how should I overcome it? FYI, I don't really have enough money to move into a rented house.

iii) Do arrangements like that affect ALL living in the house (including me) or just the ORIGINAL dwellers?

Thanks in advance.

PS : Sorry because this post is too long.

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