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Everything posted by myfs_89542

  1. Dear Master Robert Lee, Re: house numbers, I read a reply to a similar question where you had mentioned that for e.g., if the unit number is 01-22, then means 01 is the floor level, while 22 is the unique apartment number. Where I live, house numbers usually have the floor level included, e.g., if house no. is 501, the 5 is the floor level. So, should I enter the numbers as 05-501, or just 501 in the second box? Because the interpretations vary greatly. Please do advise. Many thanks!
  2. Dear Masters Cecil & Robert Lee, Re: your 2008 forecast, noticed that under all animal signs, those with weak water or other weak elements would have to watch out as the year may be unfavourable. You did mention that this is a very general outlook, but wanted to know that if for e.g., one is weak water, can one strengthen the water element thru' colours, etc. to make it stronger and thereby have a better year? Please do give your valuable insights. Wishing you both and your families a very peaceful, prosperous, blessed and joyous New Year! Many thanks!
  3. Edited by Robert: Since you have so many personal questions, it may be better you seek professional consultation service as not all questions many be easily answered through seeking free advise. As in a free advise, most advise is given based on general information provided. I haven't yet really got time to read through your entire questions. But because you ask so many questions in a single post it is almost like posting 8 separate questions. So often we do not answer these questions first due to the fact that we could have answered many more simple questions with the same time spent. So if urgent, please get a professional conslutation service. Dear Masters Cecil & Robert Lee, Greetings and wishing you both and your families a very very happy and fulfilling New Year with good health, good luck and prosperity forever and ever. May this wonderful website of yours achieve ever more success! As usual, would love to have the benefit of your sensible, practical advice regarding the following questions. 1. We are in urgent need to look for a new house by April end. Really have no choice, but is any particular month this year better re: these details: My sister is kua no. 7 (monkey, West group, strong yang water, born Oct 2, 1956) and I am kua no. 4 (water tiger, East group, weak yang water, born June 3, 1962) - do these elements, etc. have to be taken into account? 2. Am looking for house nos. 5/6 according to house period. On your site, it's mentioned that house nos. 5 & 6 are for period 7 and period 8 respectively; any interchange will bring on problems. Now this is a general rule, or will have to be further fine tuned as per respective birth dates of family members? From our present 1st floor, am looking for a 4th or 5th floor, to get the house nos. right (e.g. 401, 501 or 402). Anything as to which floors are ideal re: house period, surroundings, etc.? Also, if I take a house in bldg. facing out onto quiet lane, less traffic, no dead ends, would this be good chi or bad chi? Where on your site can I access some tips re: surroundings, bldg. approaches, etc. 3. Newly constructed houses are hard to come by and very expensive, so we might have to look at resale flats. Am trying to get the house no. right with house period, and some other elements, but layout, fact that other people have lived there, their energies, history, etc. might also affect. I am coming across period 7 houses; some, even older. Might have to take on a period 7 house, but not too old houses or which might need lots of repairs. But in a recent answer, there was mention that the qi would have faded, etc. So would a new coat of paint help re-energise the house? Maybe am wondering too much, but since this will be major monies, am feeling a bit unsettled about the whole thing. Please help with any tips. 4. My sister is main breadwinner, so we were looking for a NE main door (excellent direction) house, West facing house, but we are coming across West main door, odd layouts, toilets in house centre, etc. Trying to find something with atleast general layout, etc. right is proving a nightmare. Was told by a feng shui consultant here in Mumbai that better to just go by the positive vibes one gets from a new house and surroundings, then have an evaluation according to all our birthdates (sister, me & mother)? Whereas you have said only main breadwinner is to be considered (but she is also thinking of taking a break/changing jobs), so what would be ideal? Also, one should consider gua no. only, or ba zi element directions too? 5. My sister is presently working as a legal executive. But since last year, because of the environment, new bosses, her own outlook, etc. she is beginning to resent the job and wants to change over to some kind of office admin job. Mos favourable & favourable elements for her are wood and earth as per your report. Would office admin jobs be in harmony with these elements? She does not like dealing too much with people, or where one has to talk, be front-stage a lot; likes research oriented work and organising kind of behind-the-scenes work. 6. In our present house, prior to 2004, we had a small lane running across the front of our bldg (N-NW) and extending straight on to other buildings right down the line. There is a bldg. opposite ours, but it did not feel stifling. Since then, our bldg., and all the other bldgs. have built compounds and that seems to have altered things around the place - there is more noise, noisy children, neighbour quarrels, a feeling of being jailed in. And all this seems to be only in the N-NW part. What I do not understand is as to only why we, and maybe some other families seem to feel this so - the other neighbours seem to be fine with the noise and mayhem and whatever, and have even taken us to task because we spoke out against the endless noise. Personally, our spirits drop the moment we enter the bldg. compound and we cannot relate to the others (House is on 1st floor, facing another bldg., main door NE, house no. 102B) Now, this is because the feng shui of the bldg. has changed, or it's clashing with our personal feng shui, or just a case of differing temperaments? 7. We have some potted plants in the window grill in E-SE. And they are always attacked by black/red ants, trying to get to the flowers, burrowing in the mud to lay eggs and being a constant nuisance. While I love plants, constantly having to fend off the ants with ant powder and other measures is highly irritating. Now, are the ants bad feng shui or the resulting irritation will lead to it? If so, is this only in the house and does not apply to gardens? There is also a sort of garden/playground to the E-SE, and only the side near our bldg., is always overgrown with weeds, wild plants, gets littered, has rats, and so on. Is this also bad feng shui? I know those are many questions. But would be grateful if you would please answer them, so I can avoid some of these things in the new house I am looking for. Many thanks in advance.
  4. Dear Master Cecil, I read somewhere on your site about choosing house nos. carefully for different house periods. Where on the site do I locate this information? Also, re: elements, how do I harmonise between two opposite elements? For e.g., my sister is a strong water element and I am a weak water element. She is main breadwinner. She is West Group; I am East Group. House main door is NE. To me, it seems like elements that are good for me are not so for her. So how should I apply the element theory? I tried reading up on the site, but got more confused. Please give me some pointers.
  5. Dear Master Robert Lee, Many thanks for your detailed reply to my last question. Really appreciate your advice. I have here three questions on which would appreciate your sensible guidance. The house problem that I have detailed below is really overwhelming me, so please advice, because even a little clarity would help. # I have one of those old style grinding stones - a wok-like solid shape with a hole in the middle, where one puts the grain to be ground with the help of a stone pestle. We no longer use it; we kept it because we planned to use it as a display stand, but for now it's just there because we can't make up our mind what to do with it. Does keeping stones like these in any particular direction create any positive/negative effects? # My present house is a period 7 house. When we shifted here in 1986, things started getting much better for us. Though our bldg. was part of a 4-bldg. group, the space around was open. Then, in late 2003, a compound wall (with a spiky fencing atop it) was constructed enclosing the 4 bldgs, and the compound floor got pink tiles. Suddenly, the whole dynamics changed - there was constant noise because the kids kept playing all day, and late into the night as well - and only in front of our bldg. (N-NW facing), because the residents of the other two bldgs. stop them from playing there and push them our side - resulting in us having to constantly tell them to give us some respite which does not go down well. Also, differences started up between residents over the use of the compound and other facilities, with some residents ganging up together and forcing their point of view on others, subtle manipulation and the like. The building itself feels blocked and every kind of noise echoes, creating stress. Personally, the negativity is affecting us so much and draining our motivation and energy, we are looking to shift. Can house energies really go this negative because of environment changes/renovation? # Re. buying a new house, if a slightly older house, most probably it would be a period 7 house. But new apartments built after Feb 2004 are all period 8 houses. Any pros and cos between the periods, in terms of main door orientation, etc.? Specially about period 8, because I read that this period houses have a combination of 2+5 stars in the same compass sector and so are more negatively influenced. Any place on your website to look all this up or if you would please detail. Many thanks in advance.
  6. Dear Masters Cecil & Robert, I read this article which detailed out Flying Star nos. for year 2006 (fire dog year) - as in #8 (N), #3(centre) and so on. It went on to caution against the SE & S sectors and advised general cures for all directions, e.g. avoid red in SE, avoid metal in NW. My question is - would not the above yearly FS nos. clash with the house period Flying stars as well as the monthly nos.? Which nos. would be more accurate? Also, should not the stress be more on not disturbing the Grand Duke & sector opposite him, rather than shifting around ducks, metal bowls & colours? Also, what about personal bazi element and house group directions when applying Flying Star? I know that's many qts. about the Flying Star, but I did not know there can bea year FS too &did not find any reference abouthow all the various Flying stars, etc. impact on each other - so would be grateful if you would clarify. One more question - there are 6 large trees on the SE, just outside the compoundof the bldg. I stay in, which are going to be trimmed & this cannot be avoided. Any general protection that needs to be applied/is possible? Sincere thanks in advance.
  7. Dear Cecil, Very Happy New Year to you and Robert.Wishing you prosperity and all good things. Would appreciate your advice on the foll.: # My sister picked up a small statue of the lion (as in Singapore harbour). But should this actually be displayed in the house? Tried to place it near the doorway; had only two directions to put it in - N & S.Then, the other day, put it in the SW in the inner room (think this is the relationship direction?) Coincidentally, had a harsh exchange of words with a close friend! Should I just put it away? # Are money plants good to keep in the NW direction? What about spider plants in the N direction? I am an East house person & my sister, main breadwinner, is a West house person. Many thanks in advance.
  8. Dear Masters Cecil & Robert, This may sound silly or stupid, but even after reading your site as well as user's questions and your answers to them, I am quite confused when it comes to applying the elements theory. I work in Advertising as a copywriter. But since 4 years, it's like life has come to a standstill. In 2000-end, because of office politices, I had to quit my job. Then, health problems got severe, so started freelancing. The first year was fine, but then assignments dwindled, new ones never finalised. I feel blocked creatively & otherwise. I am really depressed. Please advise. # My present house is a 7 period house. Rectangular in shape. Main colour around house is light yellow. Main door is NE - all of this suits my sister (main breadwinner). But I am an East house person. Element is Weak Water. Personally, I try to use black, blue colours, silver jewellery. But how to apply my favourable elements to my good directions without clashing with the direction element? eg I have to use more metal & water, while my good S direction is ruled by fire. # When applying elements theory, is directions more important than the bagua? Because, otherwise, everything gets more opposite and confusing.eg. As per the bagua, NW is creativity square. But as an East house person, NW is not a good direction. What do I do here? Specially as creativity is important for me as a writer. # Also, my sister is Strong Water. West House person. Right now, she is doing very well in her career, workwise & financially. I don't want to do anything to upset this. How can I enhance opportunities for myself without disturbing the good that's happening for her? # Wood is unfavourable for me, but I get strongly attracted to green colour & I am crazy about planting trees! Any meaning to this? # I have a dark red clay statue of a Laughing Buddha, with a pen holder attached. Which is the right place to keep it? I know I have asked many questions but please help - would really appreciate if you would clarify on the above. Many thanks in advance.
  9. Hello Cecil, # What is your advice about plants like bougainvillae in the house? They are so colourful, but really thorny. I had read that these have a negative effect on the house members. Yet, many houses grow them profusely? If they can be kept, which directions are best? # Can these be planted just outside the building compound towards SE/S, or near building gates towards N/NW/W? # What about plants like aloe vera, roses? Thanks in advance
  10. Dear Cecil, I read a reply of yours on this topic where you had said that ideally, not to have dead relative's photos 'guarding' entrance door or looking into a room. Did you mean, if the photo is on a wall outside, it should not be looking into any room? Because, if inside a room, which ever wall one puts it on or even if placed on a cupboard, the photo will 'look' into the room?? And given the small flats, one has only places like living room, kitchen or bedroom to place the photo in. Please advise. Many thanks.
  11. Please advise on the following: # Within a building compound, what is the ideal direction to have a parking space/shed for bikes, cycles, cars ? N-NE or NW-SE? # In one of your replies, you had advised against cluttering up the house with too many items, decorative or otherwise. But what if one has bought the items out of liking and therefore displays them? Like many rich people have this yen for acquiring loads of antiques, artworks, etc. and are majorly into collectibles. Many thanks.
  12. Dear Cecil, I am asking these questions because I am puzzled as to what to do because of all the conflicting advice I have got from friends. Maybe I am wondering unnecessarily but I have enough problems already, so maybe I am a bit paranoid about adding to them! Your sensible advice would be most helpful. # I have an assortment of decorative items that I would like to display, but because they are different animal forms, wanted to know if they have any feng shui importance and if so, which directions should I display them, or this does not matter at all? The items are: a papier mache red duck, two white ceramic swans, two white soapstone fishes, a green lion head (a replica of the one in Singapore harbour), a small blue ceramic tortoise, two metal tortoises(one is a box and the other a plant holder), a big clay tortoise (also a plant holder), a white teddy bear. # I also have a lot of small decorative ceramic and clay vases and other things like statues, etc. that I have picked up over the years impulsively. Now will displaying all of them just add to clutter in any particular direction, or it?s okay? # I have a lot of money plants, some in water and some potted, around the house? Okay or not? # I have a bathroom and toilet in the NW direction of the house. I was told that since this is the children and creativity direction, a good cure would be to put up the picture of a baby on the wall between the bathroom and the toilet, but to avoid even a hint of the colour red. Is this true? Would also like to know because by profession I work as a freelance writer. # Do you have any special section on watches and clocks, specially decorative clocks (eg. ones with a mickey mouse motif, a dolphin base, etc) and their feng shui importance anywhere on the site? Many thanks.
  13. Dear Cecil, I have a number of questions I would appreciate your advice on. Please bear with me and do advise in detail. # The members of the building I stay in are keen on putting up a high wall around the building. This is going to be a joint wall along with another building in front of ours. The proposed height is about 6 ft, bottom 4 ft of which would be in stone, topped by grills and then finished off with glass pieces. While the space on the SW-W side would be more spacious, on the N-NE and E-SE-S side, the wall would be just 15 ft away from the buildings. Also, between our two buildings is compound space, which presently intersects a bigger road on the SW side, while on the N-NE side, it joins up with the compound space of other buildings. Now the wall will cut through the N-NE space, restricting it further. What are the feng shui implications of the above? # On the E-SE-S side of my building, there is a row of trees, which were planted much earlier when there was no talk about having a wall. Now these would be immediately behind the wall. I stay on the first floor and the windows of my living room and bedroom will overlook the wall. Any feng shui precautions that I should consider? As there are buildings all around, these trees soften the harsh concrete effect and screen off the other buildings. But no matter how much they are pruned, some shadow definitely falls near or slightly on the ground floor flats. They appreciate the shade from the heat in summer, but the trees are bound to grow taller and though they won?t cut off all the sunlight, there is bound to be some shading overall on all the flats. What are the feng shui implications? Also, there are 8 trees in all. Does the number and whether it?s even or odd matter? # Once the wall is up, the main gate would be in the SW. Is it advisable to have a smaller second gate right down the road and opposite to it in N-NE, or should it be placed off-centre? # There are also plans of converting the restricted N-NE spaces into parking areas and putting up a shed as well. I am opposed to this as I feel it will create more congestion as well as negativise the good effects of these directions. Would parking spaces in the SE and NW be more better? The water tanks of both buildings are in these directions and there is space around them that can be utilised. Many many thanks.
  14. Dear Cecil, I have been given an all metal chime, in a silvery green colour, consisting of 5 rods, around which hang 5 glass dolphins. The dolphins are in a leaping pose. I am wary of hanging up the chime as you caution against using 5 rod chimes. Please advise on the following: # My house is a 7 year house. I do not have details of other stars. But can I add a rod to make it a 6 rod chime and hang it up, in the North direction? # Any details to be looked into if I have to turn it into a 6 rod chime? Also, is all metal chime okay? # Can I remove the chimes and just hang up the dolphins? Anything about the numbers if hanging up decorative things with fishes? # If the above is okay, anything about location and placement? Regards & many thanks
  15. Dear Cecil, Thanks for your reply to my qt on buying new house. I will look up the sites you have mentioned. I had asked you a qt. about a broken chime which I did not want to hang up. (It is a 6 metal rod chime, with wooden roof and wooden clanger, but going by some local advice, I had turned it into a 5 rod chime and hung it up in the E. When I consulted you later, you had advised that this was to be avoided as it worsens a negative situation ? and there has been sickness ;it had also broken - so I was wary of putting it up again) I would like to put the chime up in its original 6 rod form. I did generate a flying star report for my house - but do you have any advice on how do I interpret the various numbers? Thanks a lot.
  16. Dear Cecil, # My sister and I plan to buy a new house. I have looked up articles on the site but I have only ended up more confused as to what should be the main points to look at. eg. you have detailed the dangers of underground water, pipes, other buildings nearby, etc. but in present housing complexes there is no way to avoid these because of compact space. If we can't buy a rowhouse of our own, we will have to settle for a flat. We would be looking at rowhouses with garden space or flats overlooking a garden as we both love green spaces. I would be grateful if you could give some of your excellent, practical advice on what should be the main necessary points to keep in mind in such cases? # In terms of main door direction, our present house main door is NE - which is my sister's excellent direction. And overall, it seems to have worked for her. As I am a SE house person, I have had mixed fortunes. As my sister is main breadwinner, can we keep NE main door for the new house, or look at a direction which will benefit both of us? # I had a chime up in the E direction but it broke and now I don't feel like putting a chime up anywhere. If one does not want to use the chime again, can one just keep it away in its box or does one have to cleanse it or dispose it of?? Thanks a lot
  17. Dear Cecil, Thanks for your detailed advice re; my queries. Please if you will clarify some things: # I had asked about keeping bougainvillae plants. You had said not to shift them to the north sector after jan '03. But is keeping them okay in the first place? # Re: stuff like organic compost, what would be the best place/direction to keep them? # Re: the 5 metal hollow rod wind chime i have had up in the E part of the house. originally, it was of 6 rods and the rods are uneven. also the roof and clanger are of wood. i mentioned that the chime broke this year and i had restrung it and hung it up. you said not to put back a 5 rod chime. but if i put back the 6th rod, restring the other broken chimes and then hang it up, is this fine? Please advise. Thanks a lot.
  18. Dear Cecil, I need your excellent advice on a number of queries. Please do advise on all - I would be most grateful. Do any of the foll. cause negative energies of any kind? # My sister loves bougainvillea plants and there are two of them on the East side. She plans to shift one to the N part of the house. They are big and very thorny. Will keeping them small and trimmed help? # I have started make organic compost for my plants at home. I keep it in the window box outside the sliding windows on the East side. Will this cause negativity or is this fine? # I am facing a lot of illness in the house since last year - I have stomach upsets, headaches; my father has a relapse of oedema. Do I have to check for any negative energies? # All of last year, I have had a 5 metal rod wind chime up in the E part of my house. It hangs in the small space behind the sliding windows. Is there anything about having to shift it to the proper place this year, etc? # Also, if the rods break, is it ok to restring them and hang it up again? Thanks a lot
  19. Dear Cecil, I am visiting your site after a long time and I like the new look - it's great. I need your excellent advice on a number of queries. Please do advise on all - I would be most grateful. # All of last year, I have had a 5 metal rod wind chime up in the E part of my house. It hangs in the small space behind the sliding windows. Do I have to shift it to another sector this year? # Also, because of exposure to sun and rain, the threads holding the rods broke. So I refixed the rods and hung it up again. This is not any problem? Please also advise on these: # My sister loves bougainvillea plants and there are two of them in our E sector. She plans to shift one to the N part of the house. She will get irritated if I tell her not keep them, so what else can I do - keep them trimmed and small, etc.? # I have started make organic compost for my plants at home. I keep it in the window box outside the sliding windows. This location is the E sector. Is this fine? # I am facing a lot of illness in the house - I have stomach upsets, headaches; my father has a relapse of oedema. Do I have to check for any negative energies? Thanks a lot
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