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Everything posted by myfs_88424

  1. I would like to use the second bedroom as my study. I no longer study in school but use a lot of time in it to do my personal accounting, finances, emails, etc. There will be a computer (important), filing cabinets, and lots of bookshelves. It is in the Irritation and Death sector. What can I do to make it suitable for me? Should I have the computer and desk facing NE which is my Excellent sector? I am Strong Fire.
  2. I've just had my "personal self" paid report done. Why does it show 12 periods up to when I am 122 years old? Most people live to 60 or 80, or at most 100 years old. Most of my auspicious periods fall after I am over 80 years old, but I'd probably be dead by then. What actually does "auspicious" mean? Greatly appreciate your enlightening me on this.
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