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Everything posted by myfs_91434

  1. Quote:May I ask if a ladyis lack of water, what kind of food n accesseries that she may eat nto wear in daily life to improve the lack of water as reflected in her four pillars? thx not an expert on this but to my best knowledge I think fish would be proper.
  2. hello master, Excuse me if this letter is long,but I really need advice.I've done a flying star chart for my home according to the front of home,the yang side of home.I've come up with a sw 1 home in period 6,but here is where I think I get mixed up.In another book they say to build flying star chart according to the enviromental factor,(mountainside,waterside.green dragon and white tiger).If I use enviremental factor to build flying star chart it seems to be the facing is in the back of home,but we have no door there and very few windows.We have flat open land at NE,mountain form at SE and other mountain form at SW but the mountain is further away ,there is our driveway there atSW front door ,windowsand the gravel road which runs from West to SW curves at South to continue SE.and East.I would dearly appr?ciate any input according to your exp?rience with this kind of delemme.I would like to be able to capture the best QI possible and rearrange the int?rior accordingly.Thank you!
  3. Where would you suggest to put a christmas tree in december,considering the home is period 6 (facing s.w.1 ),I am strong metal (good directions S.,S.E.,E.,and N.)and the bread winner weak water(good directions the same as mine).thank you for your wise advise.Keep up the good work,very well organised site with clear explanation .
  4. Hi, I have a question about my best directions and my real element. I am gua3wood therefore my best directions are S,SE,N,E,but here is where I get confused,my real element is strong m?tal,do my best direction stay the same or do they change since metal is in the NW and W directions in the luo pan.I am asking this because my home is in SW3 facing position and was build in period 6.My bedroom is in the N with M5W8B2,is this a good direction for me or should I change room.My bed head is set against the NE wall,and I believe the M3W6B9 .Thank you for taking time to explain!
  5. Hello, I would like to know what kind of suitable job would be best to me.I am strong metal.The elements are in proportion of 43%metal ,25%water ,0%wood ,16%fire ,16%earth.Thank you.
  6. Thank you very much for your quick reply,so,if I understand better, I should surround myself with more of the wood element.In which way do you mean that?I should live in wooded places better off than cities?What about people and the kind of work that would best suit me,would you be kind togive a few exemples please.
  7. I am a strong m?tal element ,but dont undestand very well about how to balance the ?lements.I hear that you should have about 20% of each element to be good but I have 43% metal, 25%water,0%wood,16%fire and 16% earth.I'm wanting to know what can be done.
  8. Hello, I'm in need of a bit of advise we have to do major renovations on our home,it is a period 6 home and the facing is pr?sently sw1.In completing the renovations it will turn into a period 8 home,I would like to know what would be the best chart in period 8,I ask this because thinking of changing the facing too.Your advise is greatly appr?ciated.
  9. Hello, I'm trying to figure the facing of the home I live in and I was wondering if facing could be at corner of home,since I understand the facing is where it is more yang and the south corner of my home is the side with the most light ,windows but it is not where the main door is.I have windows from southeast to southwest with main door in southwest but facing a mountain and a patio door in southeast but also facing a mountain,which side would you believe might be the facing?
  10. I'd like to know how important is the effect of the year and time star on a geomantic chart.I have a house that was build in period 6 with a facing of 210 degrees south-west.In 2004 my facing will have year star 2 and time star 5 in facing,which happens to be my front door too! The original geomantic chart has facing star 9, mountain star 6 and base star 3. Will the 2004 star combination affect in anyway! Will I have to protect from the negative 2-5 combination? If so in what manner would you suggest? An answer would be extremely appr?ciated! My kua number is 3 by the way if that is needed, my partner9, and my kids 2,5,4. Congradulation on a easy to understand site with a sizable amount of information.
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